Tag Archives: vitamin d

Allergies and eczema correlated to low sunlight exposure in Australia

By: Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute–

People living in the northern (sunniest) area of Australia, have a much smaller risk of allergies and eczema than those living in the southern area.  Greater vitamin D levels due to sunlight exposure may be one of the major reasons.  Safe sunlight exposure is absolutely essential to your health!

Read the article.


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Vitamin D deficiency is increasing in Europe due to lack of sun exposure

By: Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute–

Europeans are facing a health crisis due to sedentary, indoor lifestyles that have resulted in most of the population being deficient in vitamin D.  Scientists are alarmed at the prevalance of vitamin D deficiency.  Follow the link to learn more.



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Sunlight exposure may put a stop to chicken Pox.

By: Sunlight Institute–

 A very interesting study from the UK shows that sunlight exposure may halt the spread of chickenpox.  The intriguing part of this article is that the researchers give the credit to sunlight’s ability to destroy the responsible virus on the skin.  Nevertheless, the highest chickenpox outbreaks are in winter, meaning the vitmain D produced by the skin in summer may really be the protective factor.  Read the ariticle and decide.

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Occupational sun exposure lowers kidney cancer risk in men

By: Sunlight Institute–

Sunlight exposure and vitamin D are correlated closely to a reduction in risk of many different cancers, kidney cancer being one of them.  Read the article, which discusses why the correlation existed in men, but not women.  Is Mother Nature a bigot?


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Wintertime blues in the far Northern Hemisphere

An interesting article on the dark days and depression of winter in the Far North.  Unfortunately, the authors said little about visiting a tanning booth, using bright-light therapy or even vitamin D supplementation.  Perhaps that would have been politically incorrect?


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What is the best time of day for sunlight exposure? Midday

By: Sunlight Institute–

This excellent article tells us the exact opposite of what the media and dermatological community would have us believe:  The best time for safe sunlight exposure is at midday because at that time, the sunlight is more direct, making possible more vitamin D production by the skin.

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The truth about sunlight and its vital necessity for man

By: Sunlight Institute–

This is a fine article demonstrating that the only natural way to get your vitamin D is through sunlight exposure.  Be sure to look at the reader’s comments at the end of the article.



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Using tanning beds and engaging in sunlight exposure may save thousands of lives

By: Marc Sorenson, EdD, Sunlight Institute–

Research from Norway indicates that people who use tanning beds, and those who spend the most time in the sunlight, have better health due to the increased vitamin D levels produced by such habits.  This is the type of article that must drive the sunscare industry crazy.

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An interesting history of sunlight, rickets and vitamin D

By: Marc Sorenson, EdD, Sunlight Institute–

The following article is well-written and provides a history of sunlight as it relates to the discovery of vitamin D.  The author indicates that vitamin D fortification had made rickets a thing of the past, but with that point I disagree.  Rickets is making a comeback due to the sunlight phobia promoted by dermatologists.  Nevertheless, the article is well-worth reading.

Read the article.

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Is living in a sunny climate sufficient to produce optimal levels of vitamin D?

By: Marc Sorenson, EdD, Sunlight Institute–

Why should so many women living in sunny Australia be vitamin D-deficient?  Could it be that they have been frightened out of the sunlight, which is the primary source of vitamin D?

Read the article.

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