Best book on sunlight and vitamin D


Sunlight Institute

Cosmetic Dermatology

Cosmetic dermatology lobbying groups tell the public that diet and supplements are the best way to make vitamin D

sun blockers

Chemical sunscreen may prevent sunburn, but it also completely blocks vitamin D production in the skin

sun scare

Much of the recent public discussion about sun care falls in the category of over-stated hyperbole we call “sun scare”



Sep 24,2021 / Uncategorized
Protect your Skin! More on Nutrition and Sun Exposure.

Benefits of sun exposure by Marc Sorenson, EdD. A new study on nutrition and skin aging corroborates what I have …

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Sep 16,2021 / Uncategorized
Outdoor activity, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Vitamin D. Is Sun Exposure the real Key for Protection?

Despite the fact that higher vitamin D levels are nearly always found to be related to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease[1] …

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Sep 9,2021 / Uncategorized
Another Benefit of moderate, non burning Sun Exposure: any Damage is quickly repaired.

For those who follow my writings, it should now be obvious that the risk of melanoma is decreased by regular …

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Aug 25,2021 / Uncategorized
Athletic Performance and Sun Exposure

Almost no one realizes the dramatic improvement that sun exposure can make on athletic performance. Years ago I helped Dr. …

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Aug 18,2021 / Uncategorized
Stay well! Sun exposure enhances immunity independently of vitamin D.

Research shows that sunlight boosts the effectiveness of T-cells, an integral part of the immune system.[1] T-cells are a type …

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Aug 8,2021 / Uncategorized
Tanning beds in salons do not increase melanoma risk.

Sun exposure and tanning-bed exposure have been much maligned by those who would increase sunscreen sales and other “protection” against …

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Sunlight from a child's perspective

Seems like plain old commonsense when you put it that way…

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