
Working in Natural Light Improves Mood, Performance, Behavior and Psychological Health.

By Marc Sorenson, EdD.  Sunlight Institute

There are few things that improve our wellbeing like arising early in the morning and walking outside on a bright, sunny day. Our attitude improves, our serotonin and endorphin levels increase and there is an almost immediate feeling of exhilaration. We also become less confrontational, and our minds seem to click on all cylinders. Later on, around midday, if we are fortunate enough to have time to safely sunbathe (with lots of skin exposed), we produce large quantities of vitamin D, and our nitric oxide levels increase. This gives us a delicious feeling of relaxation and an almost instantaneous lowering of blood pressure as the cares of the day melt away.

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Let’s revisit the need for appropriate nutrition in preventing melanoma death.

By Marc Sorenson, EdD, Sunlight Institute

Let’s revisit the need for appropriate nutrition in preventing melanoma death.

It has been well-established that melanoma is not caused by sunlight exposure, despite the sunphobes’ protestations to the contrary. There are numerous research papers that indicate melanoma is considerably less frequent among those who are regularly exposed to sunlight than among those who avoid it.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] (The references cited here are only a few of the many papers that corroborate the fact that melanoma is less common among those who embrace the sun.)

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Two Recent Research Studies Demonstrate: (1) Sunlight PROTECTS against Pancreatic Cancer; (2) Vitamin D DOES NOT Protect against Pancreatic Cancer.

Research published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology demonstrates that there is a strong inverse relationship between exposure to sunlight and the risk of pancreatic cancer, one of the very deadliest cancers.[1] The researchers assessed the association between sun exposure and the incidence of pancreatic cancer worldwide. Those living in countries closer to the equator would be expected to have greater sunlight exposure that those who lived in darker northern or southern countries. The investigators, however, took it one step further; they adjusted the data for cloudiness, which allowed them to determine if the sunnier countries with greater cloudiness had populations with greater pancreatic cancer risk than those sunnier countries with few clouds, and also the influence of clouds in countries farther from the equator.  

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We did not Evolve in a Sunless Box! Lack of Sunlight Causes Nearsightedness (Myopia) in Children.

You may not realize that sunlight is critical for good vision in children, but in my opinion, the science provides incontrovertible evidence. A new study has corroborated the findings of a number of earlier investigations.

The Daily Mail, a UK newspaper, reported that “Too much time indoors damages children’s eyes: Lack of natural sunlight thought to be driving up rates of short-sightedness among the young.[i]” They also mention that Chinese children are now being sent to schools with translucent walls to prevent the nearsightedness associated with lack of sunlight.

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Halting the spread of MS may require nothing more than healthful quantities of sun exposure.

By Marc Sorenson, EdD

New research presents critically important facts regarding sunlight and MS. MS is a disease in which fatty myelin sheaths, responsible for insulating nerves, are attacked and damaged by the body’s own immune system, creating a variety of terrible symptoms.[i] The nerve damage process is known as demyelination. MS is one of many illnesses known as autoimmune diseases.

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Prevent and Reverse Osteoporosis with Sunlight, not Milk.

Marc Sorenson, EdD Sunlight Institute

Milk, due to its calcium content and the miniscule quantity of vitamin D that is added to it, is commonly believed to be a great preventer of osteoporosis and its subsequent fractures. However, there is a very strong positive association between milk consumption and osteoporosis when comparing milk consumption among different countries; those countries with the highest per-capita milk consumption have far higher osteoporosis and fracture rates than countries with very low per-capita milk consumption.[1]

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Can Sunlight Help Electric Light Disease?

By Marc Sorenson, EdD, Sunlight Institute

Recently I ran across two interesting scientific papers that related to each other in a way that was probably unknown to the investigators and authors of either paper. Both papers had to do with circadian rhythms, which are biological cycles that recur in approximately 24-hour intervals. On awakening to sunlight, the chemical serotonin—a natural mood enhancer—is increased in blood circulation, and at night, when the sun sets, melatonin—a natural relaxer—takes over and helps us to sleep soundly; at least that is the way it should work. There are many other circadian rhythms that operate throughout our daily life, and when they are operating properly, we feel better and function at a higher level of health and happiness.

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How well are You Thinking? Does Lack of Sunlight Lead to Intellectual Disabilities?

By Marc Sorenson, EdD  Sunlight Institute

EXCITING RESEARCH from the British Journal of Psychiatry, December 2014, points out that “People with intellectual disabilities have a high risk of osteoporosis and fractures.”[i] The researchers theorized that vitamin D deficiency could have an influence on intellectual shortcomings, since it is well-known that vitamin D is absolutely essential to optimal bone health. To test their theory, they measured the vitamin D levels of 155 patients with intellectual disabilities and compared them to 192 controls who had no such disabilities.

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India is coming to an understanding of the vital importance of sunlight.

By Marc Sorenson, EdD

In an article by Kranti Vibhule, writing for an Indian publication called DNA India, the argument is made that children’s health is suffering from the disappearance of playgrounds, the overprotectiveness of parents and the constant movement from one air-conditioned environment to another. In other words, their health is being compromised by lack of sunlight. The children consequently suffer from skin problems, breathing difficulties, hair loss and weak bones. These children receive only a modicum of sunlight.

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Important for women! Completely Avoiding Sunlight is Associated with a 1000% Increase in Breast Cancer.

By Marc Sorenson, EdD, Sunlight Institute

As I was searching the National Library of Medicine (PubMed) for information on sunlight and its relationship to breast cancer, a profoundly important piece of research emerged. An investigation from Iran on the association between cancer risk and vitamin D showed that low vitamin D predicted only a slightly increased risk of breast cancer. However, among women who totally covered themselves and thereby had no sunlight exposure, there was a more than a 10-times increase in the risk of the disease.[1]

The message of the study is that sunlight avoidance, as promulgated by the sunscreen industry and dermatological societies, is one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated. Coupled with our pitiful nutritional habits, it guarantees that breast cancer will remain rampant. Women (and men), please take care of yourselves by getting regular, non-burning sunlight exposure. That habit correlates to a reduction not only in breast cancer, but also prostate cancer and about 20 other major cancers. The sun is not your enemy. Just use it wisely and don’t burn. And while you do that, please eat lots of berries, dark fruits and green vegetables.

I have written many articles on this site regarding sunlight and cancer. Use the search bar to look up and read them. I will shortly post another blog on prostate cancer and sunlight. Until then, happy and safe sunbathing!

[1] Bidgoli SA, Azarshab H. Role of vitamin D deficiency and lack of sun exposure in the incidence of premenopausal breast cancer: a case control study in Sabzevar, Iran. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(8):3391-6.

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