By Marc Sorenson, EdD, Sunlight Institute
I’ve been writing on this FACT for some time, and an impressive 2015 paper corroborates it.[1] Published in the scientific journal Dermato-Endocrinology, the paper makes some very interesting comments, all based on excellent research:
- Melanoma has steadily increased in fair-skinned-indoor-working people around the world. INCREASING MELANOMA INCIDENCE SIGNIFICANTLY CORRELATES WITH DECREASING PERSONAL ANNUAL UV DOSES [emphasis mine]. (UV or ultraviolet radiation is the spectrum of sunlight that stimulates the skin to produce vitamin D3.)
- People are more susceptible to melanoma when they have larger numbers of moles, light skin and hair, and poor tanning ability.
- There is a paradox between indoor and outdoor workers’ melanoma incidences and their annual UV (ultraviolet light) exposure. Outdoor workers receive 3-10 times the annual UV doses that indoor worker receive, but have only 50% of the risk for contracting melanoma.
- Although most scientists believe that intermittent UV exposures—resulting in sunburns—initiate Melanoma, the creation and use of sunscreens DID NOT [emphasis mine] reduce the incidence of the disease. One of the reasons may be that sunscreens dramatically reduce vitamin D synthesis in the skin.
- Sunburns are PROBABLY NOT [emphasis mine] involved in the initiation or growth of melanoma, since a study on opossums showed that intense sunlight doses of UVB produced significantly fewer melanomas than sub-erythemal (non reddening) doses. Also, outdoor workers do get numerous sunburns but still have dramatically lower risk of contracting melanoma.
- Many melanomas occur on areas of the body where the sun never shines.
The authors go on to theorize that a lower level of vitamin D, among those who receive inadequate sunlight, could be a major reason for the exponential increase of melanoma in European countries where the UV (sunlight) exposure is minimal. Another reason they suggest is infection with human papilloma virus (HPV).
Whatever the theories suggest about the cause of high melanoma incidence accompanying low sunlight or UV exposure, the equation remains the same: THE GREATER THE REGULAR EXPOSURE TO SUNLIGHT, THE LESSER IS THE RISK OF MELANOMA. However, such information does not sell sunscreens or melanoma surgeries, so don’t stand on one leg until the public believes the truth. Nevertheless, you can learn the facts and become a soldier in the “sunlight army” by promoting the facts. I would strongly suggest that you read the paper cited below. It contains all of the other citations used by the authors to develop the six statements I used above. Also, it is important to understand that you cannot go wrong by reading papers that are authored or co-authored by Dr. Diane Godar. She speaks the truth about sunlight and melanoma. Other authors whose papers you should read are Dr. William B Grant, Dr. John Cannell and Dr. Michael Holick. Of course there are many others. Search them out and educate yourselves regarding the truth about sunlight.
[1] Stephen J Merrill, Samira Ashrafi, Madhan Subramanian & Dianne E Godar. Exponentially increasing incidences of cutaneous malignant melanoma in Europe correlate with low personal annual UV doses and suggests 2 major risk Factors.