Vitamin D and sunlight exposure have both been shown to decrease the risk of MS. Now major research demonstrates that sunlight has beneficial affects on MS beyond its ability to produce vitamin D. Those who suggest taking vitamin D rather than expose themselves to sunlight are doing a disservice.
Stroke is the fourth-leading cause of death and the number-one cause of disability. This research demonstrates that among people who have lower amounts of sunlight exposure, there is a 60% increase in the risk of stroke. The question then arises: Why are the dermatologists still trying to scare us out of the sunlight?
Sunlight therapy, according to recent research and this article posted by Dr. Mercola, is much more effective and much less dangerous than vaccines in reducing both the risk and spread of chickenpox, and may also reduce the risk of shingles later in life.
Dr. William B. Grant has completed research showing that people who live in areas of higher sunlight exposure have strongly inverse correlations with 15 types of cancer and weaker inverse correlations with another 9 cancers including melanoma. In other words, more sunshine, less cancer. This research begs the question: should we really be frightening people out of the sun?
The evidence mounts that high levels of sunlight exposure may predict a 52% reduction in the risk of Crohn’s disease and a 38% reduction in the risk of ulcerative colitis. So why does much of the medical community still recommend that we avoid sunlight exposure?
This article from a Canadian newspaper does an excellent job making the case that midday sunlight exposue is best for good health, and that sunlight prevents cancer. Truth does ultimately win the day!
This is a fine article demonstrating that the only natural way to get your vitamin D is through sunlight exposure. Be sure to look at the reader’s comments at the end of the article.