When it comes to multiple sclerosis (MS), the sunshine vitamin may be even better for moms than for their babies.

When it comes to multiple sclerosis (MS), the sunshine vitamin may be even better for moms than for their babies.

By: Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute–

Dozens of observational studies have shown a correlation of sunlight and vitamin D deficiency to an increased risk of MS. It had been thought that babies and youngsters would be the hardest hit by these deficiencies, and many scientists encouraged pregnant mothers to keep their vitamin D levels high. This new research indicates that the real benefit may be a reduction in MS among the women who had the highest levels of D–in fact, a 61 percent reduction compared to those who had the lowest levels.

My opinion? The highest levels were probably not high enough; in other words, they were not optimized levels, which might have lowered risk much more. Although that is conjecture, the research on many diseases such as cancer and heart disease show that very high levels of vitamin D correlate to much lower rates of disease than the levels that are considered “normal” by the “experts.” How many diseases could be dramatically reduced by a return to the sunlight?


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