
Regular Sunny Holidays Predict Better Prognosis in Melanoma Patients.

By: Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute–

To those of us who support regular sun exposure, a study of epochal importance has just been published in the medical journal PLoS One. The lead author, Dr. Sara Gandini, has also performed previous research showing the efficacy of sunlight in enhancing health, and has brought to light that many factors not related to sunlight are the real causes of melanoma.[1]

In her latest publication, she and her colleagues show that holidays in sunny areas were significantly correlated to thinner melanomas,[2] meaning that the cancers were less likely to progress and spread. There was a dose-response protection against thicker melanomas; in other words, the greater the number of weeks of sunny holidays, the greater less the risk of thicker melanomas. This correlation existed only for women. The good news, however, is that for both sexes,recurrence of excised melanomas was reduced an average of 70% in those who spent the greatest number of days in the sunlight.

I and many others have said for years that not only does sunlight not cause melanoma, regular non-burning sunlight is protective against contracting melanoma. This new research corroborates that fact.

A similar study on melanoma thickness and the risk of relapse was done in 2009 by Julia Newton-Bishop and colleagues.[3] In that research, it was shown that subjects with higher vitamin D levels had thinner melanomas and a greater survival prognosis. Nevertheless, the results were not nearly as impressive as the study by Gandini, et al. Sunlight exposure per se appears to be superior to vitamin D levels per se in protecting against melanoma.

Sunlight exposure is the best and most natural way to produce large quantities of vitamin D in the human body, and we are learning that sunlight produces many health benefits beyond vitamin D production. This present research is another step forward in bringing sunlight back to its rightful position as mankind’s best friend.


[1] Gandini, S, et al. Meta-analysis of risk factors for cutaneous melanoma: I-3. European Journal of Cancer  2005;41:28–44.

[2] Gandini S, De Vries E, Tosti G, Botteri E, Spadola G, et al. Sunny Holidays before and after Melanoma Diagnosis Are Respectively Associated with Lower Breslow Thickness and Lower Relapse Rates in Italy. PLoS One 2013;8:e78820.

[3] Newton-Bishop JA, Beswick S, Randerson-Moor J, Chang YM, Affleck P, et al. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels are associated with breslow thickness at presentation and survival from melanoma. J Clin Oncol 2009;27:5439-44.


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Coping with Low Vitamin D Levels in Alaska: Is a Sunny, Tropical Vacation the Answer?

By: Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute–

The Alaska Dispatch recently published an article on the dilemma Alaskans face during their extremely long vitamin D winter (at least seven months). Meredith Tallas began a study on vitamin D levels in 1983, following 47 volunteers for the next 25 years while regularly monitoring their vitamin D levels.

She found that vitamin D levels were better in the summertime and lowest in winter, which is no surprise, and she also found that those who took vacations in Hawaii each winter spiked their D levels— also no surprise.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the article was the advice that a midwinter trip to the sunny tropics would be great for improving vitamin D status. She stated: “Presuming that an individual’s lowest circulating vitamin D level is found in March or April, such trips could potentially have a very significant effect in improving late winter vitamin D status.”

Obviously, MS Tallas is a believer in sunshine as the very best way to optimize vitamin D levels.

Read the article. 

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Sunlight exposure correlates to a reduced risk of ADHD

By: Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute–

Researchers have found that sunlight exposure correlates to a decreased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Researchers assessed the relationship between the prevalence of ADHD and the intensity of sunlight in various nations and in US states.[1]After adjusting for birth weights, infant mortality and other relevant factors, they found that the greater the sunlight exposure, the less was the prevalance of ADHD. It is obvious that sunlight exposure was able to mitigate ADHD.

It is interesting that the authors suggested that that the mechanism by which sunlight accomplishes this improvement could be a positive change in the circadian rhythm, a factor that had previously been associated with ADHD. It was also interesting that the researchers did not mention vitamin D production by sunlight, since several studies have shown an association between low vitamin D and diseases such as Alzheimer’s, brain development in baby rats, autism, anxiety and depression. Rats born to vitamin D deficient mothers also have permanently damaged brains into adulthood,[2]and exhibit hyperactivity.[3]In addition, recent research shows that adult vitamin D deficiency leads to behavioral and brain alterations in mice.[4]

Considering the aforementioned effects of vitamin D deficiency on the brain, it is not surprising that sunlight, which stimulates the skin to produce vitamin D, correlates to a reduced risk of ADHD. It is a mystery that the authors did not consider vitamin d production as the mechanism that leads to the improvement.

Let’s soak up some sunlight, get rid of hyperactivity and start focusing on those things that are important—a good idea for both children and adults!


[1]Martijn Arns, Kristiaan B. van der Heijden, L. Eugene Arnold, and J. Leon Kenemans. Geographic Variation in the Prevalence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: The Sunny Perspective. Biol Psychiatry 2013;15;74:585-90.

[2]McGrath, J. et al.  Vitamin D3-implications for brain development.  J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2004;89-90:557-60.
[3]Burne TH, Becker A, Brown J, Eyles DW, Mackay-Sim A, McGrath JJ. Transient prenatal Vitamin D deficiency is associated with hyperlocomotion in adult rats. Behav Brain Res 2004;;154:549-55
[4]Groves NJ, Kesby JP, Eyles DW, McGrath JJ, Mackay-Sim A, Burne TH. Adult vitamin D deficiency leads to behavioral and brain neurochemical alterations in C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice. Behav Brain Res 2013;15;241:120-31.
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Do you want to feel better? Try a Little Sunshine!

By: Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute–

New research from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Corroborates what almost every human being knows: Sunshine brightens the mood. Twenty people with depressive symptoms were split into two groups: one group was asked to spend more time in the sunlight, and another group was asked to see a doctor. The experiment lasted for seven weeks and showed that those who spent more time in the sunlight had fewer symptoms of depression.

The authors of this research suggested that vitamin D status accounted for the differences in the two groups, but I personally believe that it is more likely that the true mechanism was the influence of sunlight exposure in producing endorphins and serotonin. We who live in more northern climes have all experienced immediate mood elevation on entering the sunlight after spending several days or months in cloudy winter weather. Vitamin D is not produced in winter in high-latitude countries, so winter sunshine must be the factor that makes the difference. Also, we cannot raise vitamin D levels fast enough to make that kind of immediate difference in mood. Those in the UAE whose moods improved had previously created their own “winter” by avoiding sunlight, and it is likely that the mood improvements were made not by vitamin D but by the aforementioned mood-enhancing changes. Nevertheless, the article makes some good points and is worth reading.


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The Indian Press says, “Bring on the Sunshine.”

By: MarcSorenson, Sunlight Institute–

In so many countries, sunlight is looked on with fear, and the press is constantly promoting that fear by warning that sun exposure in causing melanoma—an idea that is patently false.

Fortunately, in India not everyone is buying the sunscare propaganda. It is not uncommon to see articles in the Indian press expressing the concern that Indians, many of who have adopted the indoor lifestyles of western countries, are becoming severely deficient in vitamin D due to lack of sunlight exposure. One of those articles was recently published in the online version of India Today. The author, Nalini Ravichandran, correctly points out: “Scientific studies have proven that Vitamin D is like the ignition key to your car; the car won’t run unless you turn the key and ignite the engine. So get started in the right direction, before it gets too late.” In other words, seek the sunlight!

The author also laments the fact that 80% of Indians are now vitamin-D deficient. The only thing lacking in this excellent piece is a discussion of all the benefits of sunlight beyond vitamin D.

I applaud the efforts of the Indian press to bring the truth about sunlight to their populace. I have seen several articles in the past year all extolling the benefits of sunlight. Now, if only we could get the western press to catch up!

Read the article.

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Load up on Sunlight this Fall.

By: Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute–

A great new article by Michelle Goldstein in Natural News states that fall is a great time to soak up the sunlight. I agree. Although the amount of vitamin D produced by sunlight exposure is reduced compared to the amount produced in summer, there is still the production of nitric oxide, which lowers blood pressure and reduces cardiovascular disease, and the production of endorphins and serotonin, which are natural mood elevators.

The article points out that the best time to get sun is between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, exactly the opposite of the advice given by the Powers of Darkness—those who would ruin health by keeping us out of the sunlight. The article also mentions several diseases that correlate to sunlight deficiency.  It is very-well-written and speaks the truth.

Read the article.

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Dancing in the Dark: Could Low Sunlight Exposure lead to Injuries in Professional Dancers?

By: Marc Sorenson, EdD. Sunlight Institute–


Research published in the journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, found that professional ballet dancers were much more likely to injure themselves during winter.[i] The objective of the study was to ascertain whether lack of sunlight exposure among the dancers during winter might correlate to lowered vitamin D levels and thereby increase injury.

Elite, classical ballet dancers, 19 in all, were chosen for the investigation and were monitored during a six-month period for vitamin D levels, serum markers for bone turnover, and frequency of injuries.

It was found that vitamin D levels averaged 14.9 ng/ml in winter and 23.9 ng/ml in summer. Soft tissue injuries were nearly twice as frequent in winter (24) as in summer (13).

It is significant that soft-tissue injuries correlated so closely to low vitamin D, since vitamin D is generally thought of as a bone-strengthening hormone. Also interesting is the fact that in both summer and winter, vitamin D levels were too low. In winter, the athletes were approaching critically low levels. Vitamin D, of course, is produced by the skin in response to sunlight exposure and would be expected to be higher in summer. Still, it was not nearly high enough, and though it is conjecture, I expect that levels around 60 ng/ml would have correlated to an even lower risk of athletic injuries among the dancers.

Perhaps it is time for dancers to leave the darkness and practice routines outdoors during summer. This would help optimize vitamin D and muscle strength. Then, in the winter, sunlamps could be used for vitamin D production, or at least regular vitamin D supplementation would provide some protection against winter injuries.



[i] Wolman R, Wyon MA, Koutedakis Y, Nevill AM, Eastell R, Allen N. Vitamin D status in professional ballet dancers: Winter vs. summer. J Sci Med Sport 2013;16(5):388-391.


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Striking back at Alzheimer’s Disease and Non-Alzheimer’s Dementia: Can Vitamin D and Sunlight Help?

By: Marc Sorenson, EdD, Sunlight Institute–


One of the fears of aging is that memory will fade and full-fledged Alzheimer’s disease will develop. Amyloid plaques, consisting of tangles of amyloid protein (a complex protein resembling starch) in nervous tissue, are pathological markers of Alzheimer’s disease that are found in the spaces between the brain’s nerve cells. Recent research indicates that vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids may help to remove these plaques and thereby reduce the risk or severity of Alzheimer’s.[1] The research, described in a press release from UCLA, compared the immune system changes and inflammatory markers in the blood from two different groups, one group with Alzheimer’s and another without the disease.

The researchers showed that both vitamin D and omega 3 improved the ability of macrophages, large white blood cells, to clear amyloid plaques in those with Alzheimer’s. Macrophages work by folding themselves around foreign particles and then disposing of them—a process known as phagocytosis. Cell death caused by Alzheimer’s disease was also diminished, and inflammatory markers diminished in those who suffered from excessive inflammation.

This whole process indicates that D and omega 3 have an enhancing influence on the immune system. Dr. Fiala, one of the researchers, stated the following: “We may find that we need to carefully balance the supplementation with vitamin D3 and omega-3 fatty acids, depending on each patient in order to help promote efficient clearing of amyloid-beta. This is a first step in understanding what form and in which patients these nutrition substances might work best.”

This information provides further knowledge on the relationship of Alzheimer’s to vitamin D levels, which has been suspected for some time. It has been shown that high dietary intake of vitamin D correlates to reduced risk of Alzheimer’s of about 77% compared to those with the lowest intake.[2] Other studies from both Europe and the US have established a link between low vitamin D and Alzheimer’s.[3] [4] [5]

As impressive as the correlation of low vitamin D and Alzheimer’s, it pales in comparison to the potential of vitamin D to reduce the risk of non-Alzheimer’s dementia. A seven-year study showed that the risk of non-Alzheimer’s dementia was 19.7 times higher in people who had vitamin D levels less than 10 ng/ml (severely deficient) than those who had higher levels.[6]

All tissues in the body have vitamin D receptors, and the brain and central nervous system must have vitamin D to function properly. A little non-burning sunlight exposure at midday can produce vast quantities of vitamin D. If the memory is fading fast, it may be time to spend more time in the sun. Remember that sun exposure is the only natural way to obtain that vitally important hormone, vitamin D.



[1] Champeau R. Vitamin D, omega-3 may help clear amyloid plaques found in Alzheimer’s. UCLA Newsroom Feb 2013.

[2] Annweiler C et al. Higher Vitamin D Dietary Intake Is Associated With Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: A 7-Year Follow-up. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012 Apr 13. [Epub ahead of print]

[3] Soni M et al. Vitamin D and cognitive function. Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl. 2012;243:79-82.

[4] Grant WB. Does vitamin D reduce the risk of dementia? J Alzheimer’s Dis 2009;17(1):151-9.

[5] Pogge E, Vitamin D and Alzheimer’s disease: is there a link? Consult Pharm. 2010;25(7):440-50.

[6] Annweiler C, et al. Serum vitamin D deficiency as a predictor of incident non-Alzheimer dementias: a 7-year longitudinal study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2011;32(4):273-8.


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Another Dermatologist is recommending Sun Exposure? Yes, this time for Psoriasis

By: Marc Sorenson, EdD Sunlight Institute–


An American Dermatologist says that sunlight exposure can stop psoriasis, as reported in Science Daily.[1] Julie Moore, M.D. a dermatologist at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital, part of Loyola University Health System, makes the following statement: “30 minutes is adequate to improve the skin; you do not need to sit out for hours.”

It has been known for years that sunlight or UVB light from sunlamps has curative effects on psoriasis, and dermatologists have used sunlamps in their medical practices for years, while advocating nearly complete sun avoidance. The stunning part about the article is the fact that an American dermatologist is making the statement, because the American Academy of Dermatology (ADA) has vehemently opposed sunlight exposure for decades, and a past president has even suggested that we should all move underground to avoid the hazards of sunlight. British Dermatologists have been much more willing to suggest that a few minutes of sunlight around midday can improve health and optimize vitamin D levels, but too many American derms have continued to chant the mantra of the ADA.

This is an excellent article and it shows that times are changing.

Read the article

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Irish Beauty Expert now recommends daily Sun Exposure.

By: Marc Sorenson, EdD Sunlight Institute–


After so many years in which both dermatologists and beauty experts had recommended almost total sun abstinence, brave souls from each group are gingerly beginning to espouse the importance of a few minutes of regular, sun exposure, without sunscreen, to ensure good health.

The latest of these is Liz Earle, a beauty guru (and a beauty) who owns an extremely successful skin-care company, and who is concerned about bone health, suggests that women get some sun exposure between the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. She chooses those times, because she understands that they are the times of greatest vitamin D production. She is now joining Gwyneth Paltrow and other luminaries in suggesting that some sun exposure is necessary for strong bones.

I congratulate MS Earle, and strongly suggest that you read the article in the Irish News.

Read the article.


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