Sun Exposure significantly decreases the Risk of invasive Cancers. Let’s get some sun.

Sun Exposure significantly decreases the Risk of invasive Cancers. Let’s get some sun.

Another important research paper on sun exposure and the risk of cancer was completed in March of 2016.[1] In it, the researchers showed once again that areas of greater sun exposure have lower rates of most cancers than areas of lesser sun exposure. To make their assessment, the investigators first obtained data from the North America Land Data Assimilation System daily average sunlight for the continental United States. They then compared that data to cancer incidence and mortality from the Centers for Disease Control.

They found that cancer incidence for all invasive cancers was significantly decreased with increasing solar radiation (sun exposure). Invasive cancer is cancer that has spread beyond the layer of tissue in which it developed and is growing into surrounding, healthy tissues.[2] The same was true for 11 of 22 leading cancers. Interestingly, however, there was no correlation with mortality with increasing solar radiation when the invasive cancers were considered, although mortality from 7 of 22 leading cancers, including cancers of the uterus, leukemias, lung, ovary and urinary bladder did significantly decrease with increasing solar radiation. Liver cancer increased both in incidence and mortality with increasing sun exposure, and cervical cancer increased in incidence but not mortality. However, the adverse effect on liver cancer may be balanced by the very positive effects of sun exposure in decreasing liver inflammation.[3]

All-in-all, this research is very positive in presenting the anti-cancer effects of sun exposure on most cancers. Be sure to obtain your share of safe, non-burning sun exposure.

[1] Fleischer A, Fleischer S, Solar radiation and the incidence and mortality of leading invasive cancers in the

United States Dermatoendocrinol. 2016 Mar 28;8(1):e1162366


[3] Gorman S, Black LJ, Feelisch M, Hart PH, Weller R. Can skin exposure to sun prevent liver inflammation? Nutrients 2015 May 5;7(5):3219-39.

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