More sun, less covid

Coronavirus, sun, vitamin D. An opportunity to save lives

Coronavirus, sunlight and vitamin D. More compelling information. Take action now. By Marc Sorenson, EdD.

Preventing coronavirus with sunlight

Coronavirus writer, Marc SorensonCoronavirus, (Covid-19), like most flu-like diseases, will probably disappear in much of the Northern hemisphere in the coming summer.  Nevertheless, it will return on steroids in the fall and winter. Yet, it does not have to return to you or your family and friends. We can do something!  However, why wait?  Let us start now! Does anyone reading this really want to wait for the “second wave” and then go into panic mode? Of course not. In addition, do you want to let the vaccine Nazis also spend $billions more of our tax dollars looking for a vaccine? Of course not. The answer to stopping coronavirus is all around us. We need only to seek it and use it.

Two papers show remarkable associations of coronavirus with vitamin D.

If you are not convinced of the power of sunlight after reading this, I despair of being able to help you prevent this fall’s “second wave.”

The first paper was by a team of Indonesian researchers. One might think that Indonesians would have ample vitamin D levels due to an abundance of sunlight. Thus, this should protect them from vitamin D deficiency. However, most Indonesians avoid the sun and keep their skins as white as possible. It is a national quest in the Philippines to be as light-skinned as possible, so that they can consider themselves as “upper crust.” Hence, the population has a great deal of vitamin D deficiency.

The researchers focused on identifying patterns of mortality (death) between coronavirus deaths and vitamin D levels. They conducted the study with a sample of 780 subjects, all who had laboratory confirmed coronavirus infection.

Here are the findings on vitamin D levels and coronavirus mortality:

  • Mortality rates were 13 times higher in patients who were vitamin D insufficient (21-29 ng/ml) compared to those who had normal levels (>30 ng/ml).
  • Mortality rates were 19-times higher in patients who were vitamin D deficient (<20 ng/ml).
  • Even when controlling the data for age, gender and preexisting conditions, the vitamin D deficient cases were more than 10 times more likely to die than those who had normal levels.

No wonder the Indonesians are now seeking the sun and appreciating it after years of avoiding it. See the picture below of Indonesian men social distancing while soaking up the rays.

Indonesians fighting coronavirus in the sunlighto

An important point regarding vitamin D and coronavirus:

Vitamin D levels above 30 ng/ml are not necessarily “normal,” and it is likely that 50-60 ng/ml would be a better number.  People who are constantly in the sunshine, i.e. lifeguards, often have levels above 70 ng/ml. Dr. Bruce Hollis and his colleagues suggested that lifeguards have the “true normal” levels. They believe that a population of “normal” volunteers with average levels of 27 ng/ml may exhibit vitamin D deficiency. Another similar study showed that “normal” adults had 25(OH)D levels of about 27.2 ng/ml, whereas lifeguards had levels of approximately 70 ng/ml].

Could the real pandemic be a pandemic of sunlight deficiency resulting in a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency?

If  >30 ng/ml provides this much protection against coronavirus, levels > 60 ng/ml would probably provide complete protection.  Everyone should have a vitamin D assessment, and then get out in the sun, during this time of the coronavirus epidemic. For your own health, and the health of those you love, schedule a test, and make your goal 60 ng/ml.

Paper # 2

 Another paper by Mark Alipio, done in the Philippines, was similar to the Indonesian study. Thus, it showed that coronavirus patients with normal vitamin D levels had a mild disease outcome. The outcome for those patients was 19.6 times better than for those with low levels.

 A fact everyone should remember:

 Ninety percent of serum vitamin D levels are due to sun exposure, which causes the skin to produce vitamin D3. Therefore, vitamin D levels are surrogate measurements for sun exposure. You must not assume that vitamin D capsules will supply all the beneficial effects of sun exposure or sunbed exposure. Both sunlight and sunbed light produce photoproducts that have health effects far beyond vitamin D. Safely sunbathe (without burning) to achieve optimal vitamin D levels. Moreover, while so doing, you will produce other remarkably important health benefits.

 For more information on the extraordinary health benefits of sun exposure, visit and read my book, Embrace the Sun.

Coronavirus stopped by sunlight.

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Covid-19 (Coronavirus) in Florida & New York. Sunlight?

Covid-19 and sunlight, in our hearts and minds, by Marc Sorenson, EdD

Sunlight for Covid-19 exposure

Covid-19 (coronavirus) is a topic that is inescapable in our times.  The media discusses it relentlessly and it is in the hearts and minds of nearly every citizen. And why not? We all know of friends or acquaintances who have had the disease, and it has become a political football. So what can we do about it? There are certain geographical and population differences in Covid 19 incidence and death that may provide some insight. Thus, New York and Florida provide interesting contrasts for the difference in incidence.

Shawn Hannity’s interview with Florida’s Governor DeSantis provides thought-provoking insight and fascinating facts regarding Covid-19.  

First of all, Florida and New York are heavily populated states. Yet, as you can see from this graph, death risk is minuscule in Florida compared to New York. The graph shows the comparison of death rates.

Covid-19 fatalities in New York and Florida

Because of New York’s high population density, with people living nearly on top of each other, epidemic diseases spread easily. Thomas Jefferson, third president of United States, once made this clairvoyant statement. “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.” Perhaps he should have used the word “ill” rather than corrupt.  

Here are more reasons for the stark contrast in Covid-19 deaths between New York and Florida.

Here are New York’s responses to the Covid-19 epidemic.

  • New York shut down nearly all social gathering places. Yet, their leaders in the beginning told people to congregate and have a good time.
  • New York made homes a breeding ground for Covid-19 infection with “shelter in place” orders.
  • New York forced many elderly patients and others, whom they had no room for in regular hospitals, to live in nursing homes. Thus, they produced a hotbed for infection. Twenty-five percent of all deaths from Covid-19 in New York occurred in nursing homes.
  • New York has resisted the demand to return people to work and to use outdoor areas with social distancing.
  • Furthermore, New York City was appallingly unprepared to provide masks, ventilators and other medical equipment.

The reaction to Covid-19 in Florida.

The power of sunlight for health beyond Covid-19

More benefits of sunlight exposure

Conclusions regarding New York, Florida and Covid-19

 Florida made better choices and earlier choices regarding the Covid-19 epidemic. They also opened their beaches in a reasonable manner. This allowed more sun exposure.

When the disease diminishes this summer, it will be due to sun exposure that produces vitamin D and many other healthful photoproducts. In addition, remember, that sun exposure effects positive changes well beyond stopping the coronavirus.

Non-burning sun exposure is essential, and best around midday. Do not overexpose. My previous blog presented guidelines for sun exposure. Also, be sure to read my book, Embrace the Sun. In addition, visit my previous blog for more information.

 Happy Sunning!

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Cytokine storms, sun, coronavirus. Kill Covid-19!

Cytokine storms may cause death and destruction during coronavirus (Covid-19) infection. Therefore, we should take measures to prevent them. In that manner, we can shorten the lethal path of Covid 19.

Answers to the coronavirus epidemic. By Marc Sorenson, EdD

Cytokine storms are major causes of death from coronavirus (Covid-19) and resultant pneumonia.

Cytokine overreaction to the infamous coronavirus

  • This article will present information showing that we may have the tools needed to suppress coronavirus (Covid 19).
  • The article will explain how the cytokine storm kills persons with coronavirus infection.
  • It will explain the role of vitamin D in suppressing the cytokine storm.
  • The presentation will show that non-burning, regular sun exposure is superior to taking a vitamin D supplement.
  • It will show, graphically, the seasonal nature of flu-like diseases and make it clear where the sun fits in.
  • The article will show the efficacy of sunlight for Covid-19, both outside and inside the body.
  • The presentation will include information on the terrific increase in death among African Americans. African Americans need far more sun exposure than people with lighter skin.
  • It will present information on the incredibly healthful effects of sunlight both with and beyond vitamin D.
  • This article will expose the lies and present the truth about melanoma, to remove the fear of sun exposure for that disease.
  • The presentation will elucidate the concerns about different skin types, and present them graphically.
  • The presentation will also articulate the truth about sunscreens and explain the best method for preventing damage once one has had sufficient sun exposure.
  • The article presents methods to keep vitamin D levels high in areas of little sunlight. It also presents the means to survive winter, when no UVB light exists to produce vitamin D.
  • The presentation will discuss information on obesity, diabetes and heart disease, which are each associated closely to death from Covid-19.
  • This discussion provides information showing that sunscreen use may quash the ability of sunlight to produce vitamin D. This will inhibit the body’s ability to stop the cytokine storm.

Breaking news!

As I prepared to post this article, Yahoo released news of transcendent importance. They corroborated statements about sunlight being able to kill Coronavirus. I had been making this statement since the first onslaught of the virus. Some people agreed and some ridiculed me. This Yahoo information from the DHS vindicates me!

The headline reads Sunlight destroys virus quickly. [Emphasis mine]. They also stated that “simulated sunlight” killed the virus. The government tests proved the efficacy of sunlight. The remainder of this article now has an even greater validity.

What is coronavirus or Covid-19?

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that infect birds and  mammals. These viruses infect the respiratory passages with such diseases as influenza and the common cold. They also lead to some severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recent of these diseases is Covid-19.

An important fact: the most severe respiratory pandemic was the Spanish flu of 1918-1919, which probably killed 50-100 million people. This flu started in March 1918. Vitamin D levels would have been lowest during that time. The flu subsided during the summer (time of highest vitamin D levels), and rebounded with a vengeance in the fall.

A second important fact: If you die from coronavirus, it is likely that your own immune system will kill you. You will die from a cytokine storm.

What is a cytokine?

A cytokine is a specialized protein molecule that attacks and destroys an infection. These proteins can be either pro-inflammatory of anti-inflammatory. For our purposes, we will primarily discuss pro-inflammatory cytokines.

What is a cytokine storm? Usually, the cytokine needed to fight the infected tissue stops its attack after it has won the battle. However, in the case of a disease like influenza (or Covid-19), “friendly fire” occurs. The body’s immune system recruits millions of “extra” or reinforcing cytokines, and those cytokines mount an overwhelming attack against the tissue they initially protected; in other words, they cause a storm. Cytokine storms lead to severe inflammation that weakens or destroys blood vessel membranes in the lungs. This causes fluid to seep through to the air sacs, which leads to pneumonia. A person then ends up drowning in his own body fluids. Dr. Angela Rasmussen describes it thusly: “Basically you’re bleeding out of your blood vessels.” She goes on to say that the problem may not end there. The storm spills into the circulatory system and can create systemic issues across multiple organs.

Does vitamin D thwart the cytokine storm?

Vitamin D leads to the production of cathelicidins and defensins, which are peptides (proteins) with antimicrobial properties. According to Dr. William Grant and colleagues, these peptides lower viral replication rates and reduce concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines produce the inflammation that injures the lungs. Nevertheless, the damage does not necessarily end in the lungs.

Recent research shows that the damage from Covid-19 can spread to multiple organ systems. The report on this research suggests that the cytokine storm may be responsible for that spread. The heart, liver, kidneys, neurological system and gastrointestinal tract may all be targets of Covid-19 beyond the lungs.

In addition, Dr. Grant and colleagues list the following reasons to believe that vitamin D could reduce the risk of the coronavirus:

  • Inducing production of cathelicidins and defensins that can lower viral survival and replication rates as well as reduce risk of bacterial infection
  • Reducing the cytokine storm that causes inflammation and damage to the lining of the lungs that can lead to pneumonia
  • Additionally, vitamin D deficiency contributes to acute respiratory distress syndrome, a major cause of death associated with COVID-19.

If what I posit were true, we would expect Covid-19 to be higher in populations with high vitamin D deficiency, and such is the case.

Henry Lahore, one of the great vitamin D scholars, has listed four racial groups with disproportionately high vitamin D deficiency: Elderly Italians, Spanish, Swedish Somalis and African Americans.

Many of you have read of the alarmingly high Covid-19 death rate in African Americans. From my previous research, I know that African Americans also have alarmingly low vitamin D levels. Lahore also cites research that shows 84% of African Americans are vitamin D deficient. In addition, in Chicago, 70% of Covid 19 deaths are among Blacks. The reason for the deficiency? Dark skins take much more time in the sun to produce vitamin D. Unfortunately, our answer to Covid-19 has been to cocoon everyone indoors, which assures that no one can obtain any vitamin D except by supplement; that is, unless they are fortunate enough to own sunlamps or sunbeds (tanning beds).

An alarming situation in Sweden

Even more alarming is that the Swedish Somali population has 40% of the deaths in Sweden. Yet, they comprise only .84% of the Swedish population. In other words, the Dark-skinned Somalis have 4,700% greater risk of death from Covid 19! This can only be due to lack of sufficient sunlight and subsequently, low vitamin D. No such death risk exists in Africa, where sunlight is abundant.

Does sun exposure make a difference?

We live in a world that is mostly vitamin D deficient. Even sunnier states and countries have an increasing problem.  However, Northern countries are at much more risk for Covid-19. The reason for the growing risk in sunny countries is the misguided advice to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreens, which can stop the production of up to 99% of vitamin D. I believe we must stop shunning the sun if we wish to halt flu epidemics, including the current Covid-19 epidemic. Otherwise, we will spend our time pursuing vaccines for a disease whose answer is already available. The real pandemic is the pandemic of sunlight deficiency.

If sunlight makes a positive difference for flu, and suppresses the cytokine storm, we would expect to see decreases in flu during the sunny season.

This is exactly the case. Consider the following chart: (Produced by WHO), sent to me by Goran Olsson, Moscow, Russia).

Cytokine winter vs summer flu

Observe what happens in the sunny part of the year. The incidence of flu virtually disappears. So, when the experts hypothesize that Covid 19 will spike again this fall, they are correct. That is, unless corrective measures are taken.

There are those who believe that warm temperature halts flu in summer. However, if that were true, we would need only to turn our thermostats up to 90 degrees to kill the virus and stop the cytokine storm. It is sunlight, not warm temperature, which is the great healer.

There are two ways in which sunlight helps halt the flu and probably Covid 19.

First, exposure to sun produces 90% of serum (blood) vitamin D. Supplementation or food sources produce only a minuscule quantity of vitamin D. Full-body sun exposure for 10-15 minutes can cause the skin to produce 20,000 IU of vitamin D. Based on this fact, here is the effect of sun exposure on the Covid 19 equation:

Sunlight-> vitamin D ->inhibition of the cytokine storm-> Prevention or stoppage of death from Covid-19.

Secondly, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and many viruses live longer outside the body when sunlight is lacking. Whether this is true for Covid-19 is conjecture. It would be good to do that research now. Regularly disinfecting homes with UV light would be easy and safe.

A common and dangerous misconception regarding sun exposure and vitamin D: “I don’t need sunshine; I need only vitamin D supplements.”  

This statement shows a lack of knowledge. If we are to use sunlight to ramp up our vitamin D and other healthful photoproducts, we must stop fearing the sun. If we want to shut down the cytokine storm, we must develop a friendly, but careful relationship with sunlight. For health, sun exposure goes far beyond vitamin D. Here are more benefits of sunlight, including, but not limited to the benefits of vitamin D. For full documentation of these statements, read Embrace the Sun by Drs. Marc Sorenson and William Grant.

The prevention or reversal of the diseases underlined below do not depend on vitamin D.

Another sunlight concern, which should really be a non-concern: “if people soak up the sun, they will contract melanoma.”

 To dispel this myth, here are the facts about melanoma, fully documented in the book, Embrace the Sun. This should belie the misinformation regarding melanoma and sunlight.

 Seventy-five percent of melanomas occur on body areas seldom exposed to sunlight.

Thus, melanoma increases as sun exposure decreases. Should we continue to blame the sun?

Here are more facts about melanoma and its prevention:

 People in the highest quintile (fifth) of alcohol consumption have a 65% increase in melanoma risk.

A caveat regarding skin type: All people need sun exposure. However, people who have type-one skin must be very cautious.

Type-one skin may not tan, and should not have direct exposure to sunlight, at least in the beginning stages of a sunning program. Nevertheless, those who have type-one skin may carefully go outside and sit in the shade with the sun shining around them, or they could sit under a beach umbrella during a sunny day. The key is the amount of time it takes to show a slight pinkness. If that time is only a minute, then the person should go inside after that minute and cover up with clothing.

How to change your environment when you have had enough sun exposure.

If it takes longer for pinkness to occur, then stay longer. After a few days, the skin will acclimatize somewhat and longer times could be enjoyed. After the sunning session, it would be appropriate to don long pants, large hat, long sleeves and light gloves. The advantage for people with type-one skins is they produce large quantities of vitamin D and other photoproducts in a very short time. They, therefore, can quickly optimize the body’s ability to suppress the cytokine storm and to derive the other benefits of sun exposure that we previously listed. Sunbathing, or “shade bathing,” for those with type-one skin is the best way to obtain vitamin D.

Important information for African Americans, who need more vitamin D to suppress the cytokine storm. 

In addition, this is a message to our two dear friends (African Americans) in San Francisco. You must spend much more than 10-15 minutes in the midday sunlight to optimize your vitamin D levels. Try to get at least 40-60 minutes of full-body exposure on each side of the body. This of course, applies to all African Americans. As with all races, be careful not to burn. For a person with very dark skin (type five-six) on the graph below, it takes an hour to produce the same quantity of vitamin D that a type-one can produce in a few minutes.

The following is a chart for determining skin type. Remember, that for every skin type, the primary warning is to avoid sunburn.

Cytokine Fitzpatrick skin chart

Many people believe that a few minutes outside, with face and hands exposed, will optimize vitamin D levels. However, that method takes far more than a few minutes to produce optimization. It may take all day, according to your skin type. If you find an area to sunbathe at midday with little or no clothing, you can produce up to 20,000 IU of vitamin D in as little as 10-15 minutes on each side of the body. After that, you can cover up with long pants, a large hat, long-sleeve shirt and even light gloves and continue to enjoy the outdoors.

An important statement from dermatologists and other organizations in the UK.

Here is a related statement from several health organizations in the UK, including the British Association of Dermatology (hard to believe, I know) “Vitamin D is essential for good bone health, and for most people sun is the most important source of vitamin D. The time required to make sufficient vitamin D varies according to a number of environmental, physical and personal factors, but is typically short and less than the amount of time needed for skin to redden and burn. Enjoying the sun safely, while taking care not to burn, can help provide the benefits of vitamin D without unduly raising the risk of skin cancer.” Documented in Embrace the Sun.

What about Areas of little sunlight?

However, suppose you live in unpredictable sun areas like Ely, Nevada or Ely, Minnesota, or Olympia, Washington or Toronto, Canada. As long as you can access unobstructed, midday summer sunlight twice weekly, as described above, you can count on optimized vitamin D levels. There is an exception for African Americans. An extra day per week would probably be a good idea.

Remember, no vitamin D production occurs during early morning of late afternoon. Nevertheless, many other healthful effects of sunlight are available all day long. Also, remember that in the beginning stages of your suntanning program, be careful not to burn yourself. If you begin to redden, leave the sun. Gradually acclimatize your skin to the sun.

Other facts about Covid-19, death and the cytokine storm:

Obesity is a major factor.

Obesity increases the risk of death from Covid-19. It is an inflammatory disease, as is Covid-19. In addition, it appears that a combination of the two can be deadly. This is predictable, because both the cytokine storm and obesity are inflammatory conditions. It is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

New York is the epicenter for Covid-19 in the U.S. NYU has determined that obesity and age are the two major deciding factors for hospitalization there.

People are thinner when they are outdoors and active.

Thus, the cocooning is likely adding to the likelihood of obesity. In addition, stay-at-home orders are neither conducive to sun exposure nor vitamin D optimization. I do not have the research to prove this point, but I believe that the enforced indoor living has added to the obesity crisis. How many bowls of ice cream do cocooned people consume nightly in front of the TV?

In our sun-drenched health resort, our clients lost more than 100 tons of fat during our careers. Much of that success was due to a mostly animal-free nutrition program. Yet, sun exposure does reduce weight. This is especially true of early-morning sun exposure. Early-morning sun exposure reduces obesity without the benefit of vitamin D. We know this to be true, because early morning sun exposure does not contain the UVB light necessary for vitamin D production. Nitric oxide or serotonin, produced throughout the day, could be the operative factors.

Type-two Diabetes is a major factor for death from Covid-19. Type-one is probably a factor also, but it comprises only 5% of cases. In addition, studies do not exist on the relationship of type-1 to Covid-19. Diabetes, then, is either directly or indirectly associated with the cytokine storm.

According to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Covid-19 patients taken to the ICU were more likely to have diabetes than any other underlying condition. In our former health resort (very sunny), two-thirds of type-two diabetics were free of all diabetic medications, including injected insulin, in 11.7 days. That number reached 85% in those who stayed four weeks. Of the 15% that were still using medication, almost all of them dramatically reduced their dosages. If people would simply embrace the sun and eat a plant-based diet, diabetes would cease to be a problem. Why? Because diabetes would mostly cease to exist.

Research on sunlight and diabetes:

Several papers have shown an association between sun exposure and diabetes. One paper showed that blood-sugar levels were lower during the summer, and another demonstrated that exposure to sun lamps increased insulin secretion.

In addition, a meta-analysis produced evidence that recreational sun exposure is associated with a reduced risk of type-two diabetes.  The study was undertaken because the researchers observed that higher vitamin D levels were consistently associated with lower diabetes risk. Yet, there was not a relationship between vitamin D supplementation and diabetes. I must make a point here: Do not trust a vitamin D capsule to have all the health benefits of sun exposure or other UVB exposure.

Heart disease (cardiovascular disease) is a major factor for death from Covid-19.

Research from the same journal, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, showed “10 % percent of COVID-19 patients with cardiovascular conditions died — the highest rate of fatalities among common underlying conditions — compared with 2.3 percent of the entire population of patients.” At our health resort,  clients reduced cholesterol levels (predictive of heart disease, stroke and other vascular diseases) by as much as 700 points.

In addition, they sometimes lowered blood pressure remarkably in only one-four weeks. Angina often disappeared. In my opinion, the plant-based nutrition program, and the predictable sunny days in Saint George, Utah, both contributed to those results. One of our clients who had scheduled himself for open-heart quadruple bypass surgery, checked in at the health institute instead. His heart disease never gave him another problem. He was about 65 years old at that time and is now about 87. He never had a bypass operation.

Research on sunlight and heart disease. 

Research indicates that sun exposure in summertime among gardeners correlates to lower cholesterol levels and decreased risk of heart attack. HDL cholesterol is protective against heart disease, and LDL cholesterol is a risk factor. A study in Chile showed that HDL decreases in the winter, and LDL is significantly higher in winter/spring than in summer. Of course, sunlight is much more prevalent in summer, hence the difference. A study on seasonal variations in heart attack rates in Brazil demonstrated a 30% higher risk in winter than summer. One study of hypertensive subjects shows that blood pressure levels average 165/90 in winter but 134/74 in the summer, and both stroke and heart attack rates double in the winter. We could list dozens of additional citations, but these will suffice for this short paper.

Should we use sunscreens while we sunbathe?

The simple answer is “no.” If people feel they have had sufficient sun exposure, they should seek shade, cover up or go inside.

There are many excellent reasons NOT to use sunscreens:

Two major studies in 2019 showed that sunscreens might be worthless or even harmful. The first, a meta-analysis, showed no protective effect of sunscreens against skin cancer. The second showed that people who used sunscreens had up to six times the number of sunburns compared to those that did not use them. This research also demonstrated that those who covered up, or sought shade when they had enough sun, were far less apt to sunburn than those who used sunscreens. In addition, in the last four decades, sunscreen use has increased by 400%, while melanoma incidence has also increased by 400%.

Sunscreens are also destroying coral reefs. Hawaii has banned them. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, research shows that an SPF 15 sunscreen will decrease sun-stimulated vitamin D production by 99.5%. If it were our desire to thwart Covid-19, and halt the cytokine storm, why would we use sunscreens that suppresses vitamin D?

One of the primary government concerns is that after the summer, Covid 19 will mount a comeback, or second wave. Indeed, it will, if something does not replace the UV light from sunlight. Along with the disease, the cytokine storm will return in force.

Let us consider winter, when sunlight no longer contains UVB light to produce vitamin D. Go to the previous chart above on seasonality of flu and look at the tremendous increase that occurs in winter. How do we keep the virus under control? The answer is to use a sunbed (tanning bed). The sunbed must not be a high-pressure bed, as those beds produce little vitamin D.

I can already hear the collective screams of agony. Those screams emanate from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and others as they read the vitamin D/sunbed statement. They are yelling, “How can he advocate sunbeds!?”

Do you want to read the truth about the AAD and other anti-sun, anti-tanning organizations? Then read the book, Embrace the Sun, which contains a full exposé.

Now, let us present the documented truth about sunbeds—truth that will never be presented by the anti-sun, anti-tanning organizations. Here are the facts about the healthful effects of sunbeds:

Refuting the Powers of Darkness (anti-sun organizations) regarding sunbeds. The Powers of Darkness are not interested in your cytokine storms. 

Sunbeds (tanning beds), as you have learned, have many healthful properties. They produce vitamin D, strengthen bone and reduce the risk of major cancers. In addition, they may hold a key to stopping Covid 19 and the cytokine storm. Yet, the Powers of Darkness continue to malign them as being a major cause of melanoma. Thus, through misguided legislation, they ban teens in many areas from using them. In addition, tanning- salon owners must live in fear of government overreach that could put them out of business.

Because of this uproar, a group of scientists (some dermatologists), led by Dr. Jörg Reichrath, did a thorough research review. Furthermore, they published their findings in 2020 in a major scientific journal called Anticancer Research. That research presented the truth about melanoma and sunbeds. Here are four results of their review:

1.A study from Europe demonstrated that sunbed use was associated with a 30% reduced risk of developing melanoma.

2.They stated, “We found no studies that demonstrate a causal relationship between moderate solarium use and melanoma risk.”

3.The anti-sun research was low quality, and bias may have existed.

So, do not believe everything you hear about sunbeds from the Powers of Darkness. My belief is that sunbeds may hold the key to stopping the winter spike in Covid-19 cases.

You should always use sunbeds at a tanning salon whose employees are skilled in assessing skin types. That will keep you safe as you optimize your vitamin D and inhibit the cytokine storm.

How do you know if your serum Vitamin D is sufficient to suppress the cytokine storm?

Everyone should have a test for vitamin D levels. The goal is to produce a level between 50 and 70 ng/ml.

How do I know my time outside is producing vitamin D?

  • If the media reports a UV index of three or more, and you are outside, not using sunscreen, vitamin D production occurs.
  • If your shadow is shorter than your height, you are producing vitamin D. Thus, the shorter the shadow, the better. The shadow will be shortest at midday.
  • To produce the greatest amount of vitamin D, find a private area and sunbathe, using as little clothing as possible. As mentioned, this can produce up to 20,000 IU of vitamin D in as little as 10-15 minutes of sun exposure at midday.

What have you learned from this article regarding Covid 19, sunlight, vitamin D and the cytokine storm?

Here is a list:

  • This article presented evidence showing that we have the information needed to suppress coronavirus (Covid 19).
  • The article explained how the cytokine storm kills persons with coronavirus infection.
  • It also discussed the role of sunlight and vitamin D in suppressing the cytokine storm.
  • It presented information that non-burning, regular sun exposure is superior to taking a vitamin D capsule.
  • The article showed, graphically, the seasonal nature of flu-like diseases.
  • This paper showed the efficacy of sunlight for Covid-19, both outside and inside the body.
  • The presentation included information on the terrific increase in death among African Americans with Covid 19.
  • More lessons learned regarding sunlight and cytokines.

  • The information showed the incredibly healthful effects of sunlight both with and beyond vitamin D.
  • The presentation exposed the lies and presented the truth about melanoma, to remove the fear of sun exposure for that disease.
  • The presentation elucidated the concerns about different skin types, and presented them graphically.
  • The paper articulated the truth about sunscreens and explained the best method for preventing damage once one has had sufficient sun exposure.
  • It presented the methods for keeping vitamin D levels high in areas of little sunlight and explained methods for surviving winter, when no UVB light exists to produce vitamin D.
  • The presentation gave information on obesity, diabetes and heart disease, which are each associated closely to death from Covid-19.
  • This discussion presented information that sunscreen use may quash the ability of sunlight to produce vitamin D. This will inhibit the body’s ability to stop the cytokine storm.

The materials in this paper cover the pertinent facts about Covid-19 and sunlight. However, no one can know all the facts, and this material does not replace your personal health advisors. Consult them before making lifestyle changes.

Please share this material with your physicians, friends, parents, siblings, social-isolating acquaintances, government entities, social media, regular media, and newspapers. The information contained herein may save their health and our economy. Until then, remember that neither sunlight nor sunbeds are enemies. In fact, they may save your life!

Happy sunning!












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UV index. —a great gift for health.

UV index.  Vitasunlight and breast cancermin D and health. By Marc Sorenson, EdD

The UV index is a measure of the intensity of ultraviolet radiation B (UVB) from the sun. It is expressed as a number on a scale of 0-11. A higher number indicates a higher sunlight intensity. Exposure to the ultraviolet B (UVB) portion of sunlight is necessary to cause the skin to produce vitamin D. Nevertheless, unless the body is deeply tanned or naturally very dark, a very high UV index can cause sunburn, so caution is necessary.

A low UV index is also problematic.

However, if the UV index is very low, it cannot stimulate the production of vitamin D in the skin. Vitamin D production is essential for human health. Thus, lack of vitamin D may be a major reason that flu-like diseases occur primarily during winter, when there is little or no vitamin D production. This, of course varies according to latitude.

A List of vitamin D benefits from Business Insider.

A recent article from Business Insider (a Philippines online paper) discussed various health effects of vitamin D and sun exposure. Here are some of their salient points, not all of which are correct.

  • The primary cause of vitamin D deficiency is sun deprivation (correct).
  • Vitamin D helps keep the immune system, so deficiency could be the reason for frequent flu (correct).
  • You can get more vitamin D by spending at least 5 to 10 minutes outside 3 times a week without sunscreen (correct).

How much vitamin D does a person need?

  • The most incorrect statement of the article is this. The average adult needs around 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day (not correct). For reference, a serving of salmon contains roughly 400 IU (not correct). 20 minutes of full-body, unobstructed sunlight can cause the skin to produce up to 20,000 IU of vitamin D. If 600 IU were the only source of vitamin D, one would produce a level of six ng/ml, which would be woefully inadequate. 600 IU is only slightly better than nothing.
  • Fifteen minutes of non-burning midday sun (without sunscreen) would optimize vitamin D levels in a few days. Dark-skinned individuals would need much more exposure, up to an hour.
  • Getting more frequent colds or respiratory infections could be a symptom of vitamin D deficiency (correct). However, it is even more likely to be a sign of sunlight deprivation.

  • Colds and flu nearly disappear in the summer when the sun is direct. During this time of the coronavirus epidemic, everyone on earth needs daily direct or indirect sun exposure. Those who do not tan can obtain plenty of sunlight from being outdoors under an umbrella or even in the shade near where the sun is shining.
  • Bone diseases, vitamin D and sunlight.

  • Vitamin D deficiency can cause Osteomalacia and Osteoporosis, conditions where your bones become less dense (correct). Sun exposure produces about 90% of the body’s serum levels of vitamin D. In addition, not all vitamin D supplement studies have produced stronger bones.

Sunlight is king for increasing bone strength.

  • However, sun exposure, or exposure to sunbeds (tanning beds) produces marvelous results. For example, a Spanish study showed that women in Spain—those who regularly enjoyed sun exposure—had about one-eleventh the risk of hip fractures as women who had little exposure. Women who use sunbeds also have profoundly higher bone mass than women who do not use them. Their vitamin D levels are also remarkably higher.
  • Mental problems due to a low UV index and subsequent vitamin D deficiency.

  • Vitamin D has some links to depression (correct). Nevertheless, that link in my opinion is 100% due to  to sun deprivation. Dr. Gavin Lambert and his colleagues in Australia measured serotonin levels in response to varying degrees of bright light. To do so, they drew blood samples from the internal jugular veins of 101 men and compared the serotonin concentrations of the blood to weather conditions and seasons. The results were remarkable: Men measured on a very bright day produced eight times more serotonin than those measured on a cloudy, dismal day.

More on the UV index and “solar noon.”

When meteorologists report UV index, the emphasis usually warns against the maximum UV level. That level generally occurs around “solar noon.” Solar noon is a four-hour period stretching from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. As you have probably noticed, forecasters constantly warn us to avoid the 10:00 to 2:00 hours. Avoiding intense UV radiation is their watchword. Many of them say, “Get sun exposure in the early morning or late afternoon to produce vitamin D.” They should know that the UV index must be over 3 to produce vitamin D.

These reporters do not understand how low UV index hinders vitamin D production.

They do not comprehend that UV index is so weak in the morning that it produces absolutely no vitamin D. The same is true in the evening. Therefore, the closer to solar noon you plan your outdoor time, the more vitamin D you will produce. Vitamin D produced in the skin from solar UVB exposure does not lead to vitamin D toxicity and is safe, as the body limits its own production.

Another method to measure the efficacy of sunlight for vitamin D is to stand in the sun at any time of day and observe your shadow. If your shadow is shorter than your height, you are producing vitamin D. This, the shorter the shadow, better.

Caveats regarding the UV index and vitamin D. Morning sun is still very healthful. 

Early morning sun exposure, when the UV index is very low, (under 3) has remarkable health effects. These include resetting the circadian rhythm, increasing production of serotonin, lowering blood pressure through nitric-oxide production and assisting weight loss. Nevertheless, vitamin D stimulation in the skin is not one of the health effects of early morning light.

So safely soak up the sun at any time of day and reap the health benefits. Never burn.

Happy sunning!

For more information: and read the book, Embrace the SuUV indexn. Embrace the Sun

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Death by Prescription Drugs. Is Sunlight better?

Death by Prescription Drugs. By Marc Sorenson, EdD.

Sunlight prevents deathAre there better ways to heal? Could there be better ways to fight the coronavirus? (be sure to scroll down to the WHO flu graph.)

Death by prescription drugs is commonplace. Therefore, perhaps whole foods, avoidance of junk foods and plenty of sunlight are better alternatives. Thus, our approach here will be (1) to explain the health burden inflicted by prescription drugs. (2) To make nutrition suggestions and (3) finally propose exercise and sunlight as additional solutions.

Death and prescription drugs. The danger is real!

Since you probably realize that prescription drugs are ubiquitous, did you also realize just how dangerous they are? Would it get your attention to tell you that they are the fourth leading cause of death?

U.S. News published an interesting article, which makes us wonder if our pharmaceuticals do more harm that good. Are they healers of killers? Here are some of the most noteworthy facts the article presents:

Salient points from the article on Death and prescriptions.

  • First, prescription medications are the fourth leading cause of death and a major cause of additional illnesses among Americans.
  • A recent analysis estimates 128,000 Americans die each year due to taking medications as prescribed.
  • In addition, adverse drug reactions from properly prescribed and used medicines result in 1.5 to 2.7 million hospitalizations each year.
  • Sixty to 70 percent of us take at least one prescribed drug and many take an additional fistful of pills daily.
  • A quote from Dr. Donald Light [apropos, no?], who analyzed the data: “By far the greatest number of [prescription drug-related] hospitalizations and deaths occur from drugs that are prescribed properly by physicians and taken as directed.” This comes from his paper entitled “Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs.”
  • Another quote from Dr. Light’s paper: “About 2,460 people per week are estimated to die from drugs that were properly prescribed. And that’s based on detailed chart reviews of hospitalized patients.” [That of course, does not include the 1.5-2.7 hospitalizations that occur due to prescriptions.]
  • The paper continues, “And though following a doctor’s orders and medication labeling instructions can reduce harms associated with taking prescription drugs, simply taking prescribed drugs as directed can expose a person to significant risk.”

Of course, properly prescribed drugs can save lives. Yet, do these drugs give us the best odds? They do not.

All of this begs a question. Does the brouhaha caused by coronavirus not pale in comparison to the millions of lives lost to drugs? Of course, I believe in finding a cure. Nevertheless, when this pandemic subsides, should we not first look at ways to stop death due to prescription? There are better ways to prevent and cure illnesses, and the people must be educated. Knowledge not disseminated is no better than no knowledge at all.

An illustration of a better way than prescription drugs to stop death by diseases—diabetes and other maladies

An example: 2/3 of diabetics who attended our resort were able to stop medications in 11.7 days because of nutrition. In addition, of course, they soaked up the sun. Also, 85% of those who stayed for four weeks were able to leave without the meds. The avoided meds included injected insulin and hypoglycemic drugs (Metformin, Glucotrol, etc.]. That seems like a better option than another drug to “prevent” death. Of course, people must be willing to make changes to heal themselves. Avoiding death is unlikely if a person would rather die than part with junk food. The people at our resort liberated themselves from drugs by making the right choices.

And what about death from other diseases?

Diabetes, of course, was only one of myriad diseases they left behind when they returned home from their sojourns with us. A few others were arthritis, headaches, muscle pain, heart disease, lupus, asthma and obesity. Even erectile dysfunction, mood disorders, endurance and eyesight improved. In addition, nothing we did involved drugs and supplements. Good food, exercise and sunlight were the “medicines” we used. As Hippocrates once stated, “Let Food be your medicine.” He should have added, “Let sunlight and exercise also be your medicine.”

You knew I would get to sunlight and death, did you not?

Another method to enhance human health, while reducing human death: Bring people back into the safe, non-burning sunlight. My latest book, Embrace the Sun, co-authored by Dr. William Grant, has some interesting analyses. There are, in the U.S., according to our calculations, approximately 1,684,677 yearly deaths caused by diseases associated with sun deprivation. That compares to 5125 deaths from diseases associated with high sun exposure, producing a ratio of approximately 328:1. Now you can live with those odds (no pun intended)! Do we really need all those drugs if we give up our killer nutrition and soak up some non-burning sunlight?

Here are some facts everyone should know about death-preventing effects of regular, non-burning sun exposure:

Therefore, you see, good nutrition and sunlight can reduce the need for prescriptions and lighten one more death  burden.  Embrace the Sun.

Embrace the Sun

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The phone: Is it destroying your sleep? Try sunlight!

The phone, sunlight and sound sleep. By Marc Sorenson, EdD. Don't sleep with the phone!

The phone is ubiquitous, and it may be taking away a basic human need: sound and restful sleep.

How should the sleep/wake cycle work?

First of all, we awake to bright sunshine. Light enters the eye and stimulates serotonin production. Serotonin is a natural “upper” and mood elevator. Thus, we quickly become awake and invigorated. The bright sunshine also suppresses melatonin, the sleep inducer. Yet at evening light disappears (at least that is how nature intended it), melatonin levels rise, and serotonin levels diminish. We begin to feel sleepy and ideally retire for a good night’s rest. It is a perfect system for our needs—unless we stay up beyond biologically natural hours by using artificial lighting.

Then, the phone throws a wrench into the works!

Particularly, a phone, tablet, computer monitor and other electronic device that emits blue light can interfere with sleep cycles. This may leave you wide-awake and staring at the ceiling when you should be sleeping peacefully. Furthermore, you may feel “out of sync” the next day due to lack of rest. We hear a plethora of advice about using blue-blocker screens, and heaven forbid, giving up the devices at night! Regrettably, however, some humans would rather die than not check their devices just before, and many times during, bedtime. Perhaps they are incorrigibly addicted to the phone, tablet, etc. In addition, such activities inhibit melatonin secretion. Best to eschew the phone by night and embrace the sun by day!

So, is there any way to cater to our phone addictions and still get some shut-eye?

An interesting study showed that exposure to constant bright light, for several hours daily, stopped sleeplessness and let melatonin dominate at night. The researchers compared subjects reading a book (no blue light) and a tablet (lots of blue light). They also assessed sleep patterns and melatonin concentrations. Both groups had identical results for melatonin and sleep patterns. From this research, it appears that we can have our cake and eat it too, provided we receive plenty of sunlight. Most noteworthy was that it was not lack of blue light (when the devices were removed) that enhanced sleep. Rather, it was the bright light exposure in the day. Hence, we can evade sleep-deprivation punishment for Love the phone, eschew the phoneexcessive device use if we take our time in the sunlight!

So is there other research indicative of the night-time-sleep-inducing effects of daytime sun exposure?

There are several. For a full discussion, I suggest you read my book, Embrace the Sun, co-authored by Dr. William Grant.

Another investigation established that people whose workplaces have windows are able to sleep about 46 minutes per night longer on average, than those who have no natural light access. Those with windows also are generally happier, have fewer ailments, and experience better vitality than their window-less counterparts.

Why is sleep so important to health, regardless of cell phone, sunlight, etc.?

Another article shows that too little sleep can be deadly. Forbes Magazine online printed an excellent article on sunlight and sleep, which listed the following horrendous statistics: “In 2012, 60 million Americans filled prescriptions for sleeping pills, up from 46 million in 2006.” The article discusses the potential dangers of sleep medications, showing that those who take 18 sleeping pills per year have a tripling of the risk of death compared to those who take fewer than 18.

Do not expect the drug companies to be touting these stats. Take matters in your own hands and get some daily, non-burning sun exposure. In addition, read Embrace the Sun,

Happy sunning! Read this book and prevent reduce risk of breast cancer.

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Poisons in the blood: Chemical Sunscreens.

Poisons in the blood: Chemical Sunscreens. 

Poisons in the blood. By Marc Sorenson, EdD.poisons chemical sunscreens

Poisons are something we want to avoid and reverse. Am I correct in that assumption? Yet, some scientists believe that if sunscreens are poisons, humans should continue using them until they do more research. So, suppose that people die, or develop a disease as that research takes place. Maybe then, we change our minds and say, “it seems like we made a mistake.”

We seem to be a group of guinea pigs

Sunscreen researchers seem to conclude that they need to do more investigations on blood absorption of sunscreen poisons. They would do this research while the guinea pigs (we the people) still use the poisons.

Naming and calling out the poisons

These researchers studied six different sunscreen chemicals and measured their absorption and retention in the blood. These chemicals were avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, homosalate, octisalate and octinoxate. The subjects applied the sunscreens (with all of these chemicals) to 75% of the skin. The investigators then measured residual chemical concentrations at varying periods up to 21 days. Thus, they found all chemicals produced blood concentrations that were well above the Food and Drug (FDA) safety thresholds. In one case (oxybenzone), the concentration reached 360-times the FDA threshold level for safety in four days. In addition, all six chemical concentrations were significantly above the FDA threshold after only one application.

So should we use poisons that have concentrations 3,600% above the FDA threshold?

 So what did these great scientists conclude? Here is their statement: “In the absence of clear data demonstrating harm, the use of chemical sunscreen may still be considered appropriate [Really?]. The use of mineral-based sunscreen is a well-established safe alternative. Elevating the science of the benefits and harms of sunscreen should be a priority. The sunscreen industry must begin conducting these safety studies as recommended by the FDA. Until then, the harms of absorption of sunscreen filters will remain uncertain.” I vehemently disagree; the harms of these toxic chemicals are well-known, and I personally do not want to absorb anything into my blood that exceeds the FDA safety thresholds by 3,600%. Chemicals that produce that excess are obviously poisons.

Are sunscreen chemicals either harmful or worthless?

The authors also indicate that sunscreens stop the development of skin cancer. Perhaps they have not read the research that indicates the direct opposite. For example, a meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Dermatology showed that there was no association between sunscreen use and skin cancer, including melanoma. Another study showed that those who used sunscreens had a far greater risk of sunburns than those who used other methods. Those other methods were seeking shade, wearing a hat or visor, and wearing long sleeves and pants. Another interesting fact is that those who used sunscreens had a 62% risk of sunburn. Those who did not use them but engaged in the aforementioned protective behaviors had a 24% risk.

What makes the term “poisons,” appropriate?

While these “researchers” are determining the sunscreen safety, and deciding if they are poisons, let us consider the research. Studies confirm that sunscreen chemicals are highly absorbed and then detected in urine and breast milk. This may cause systemic effects, including disruption of the endocrine system. In addition, pregnant mothers exposed to oxybenzone give birth to babies with low birth weights. This “programs” the developing child for greater risks of heart disease, hypertension, type-two diabetes and other diseases in adulthood. Furthermore, sun causes oxybenzone to become a potent allergen and to form free radicals. In fact, after one hour, more free radicals were created by sunlight contacting sunscreen, than sunlight on skin.” This is another indication that sunscreen use causes more damage than no sunscreens at all!

 Gender-bending properties of sunscreen chemicals

 Sunscreen chemicals also have potential “gender-bending” characteristics. They increase estrogen and decrease testosterone in men. In addition, they may be responsible for the nearly 50% reduction of sperm count in the last few decades. Sunscreen chemicals may cause the feminization of fish. in addition, environmental pollution by these and similarly structured chemicals may cause feminization in alligators and the gradual extinction of Florida panthers due to failure to breed. Sunscreens also increase the absorption of pesticides through the skin,

In conclusion, what are the environmental damages of sunscreen poisons?

Finally, the environmental damage may be substantial. Many beach areas have prohibited the use of sunscreen poisons due to concerns about coral-reef destruction.

So be careful when you next see a sunscreen advertisement. Protect yourself with clothing and shade when you feel that your sun exposure may become excessive. Sunscreen is not the answer. Regular, non-burning sun exposure is the answer.

Happy sunning.

Read more in our book, Embrace the Sun.


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depression taking its toll

Flu: Stop it before it stops you! Sunlight is the key.

Flu: stop it with sunlight. By Marc Sorenson, EdD.

Flu is a killer, and the angst regarding Chinese flu is reason to “enlighten” the world about healing sunlight.

First, the flu is serious and threatening. Tflu taking its tollhe Center for Disease Control (CDC) and others estimate that yearly deaths from flu range from about 12,000-80,000 per year. Additionally, (no surprise here), research also shows that cold and flu outbreaks are almost completely seasonal. In the northern hemisphere, they occur primarily in December through March. In the southern hemisphere, they occur June through September. Therefore, that is almost exclusively in winter in both hemispheres. In addition, the outbreaks in each case occur in times of lowest sun exposure.

Can the shots kill you?

So why not just a flu shot and some aspirin? Because flu shots, along with whatever good they do, can be fatal. One of our friends from California learned this the hard way. His doctors talked him into getting a flu shot to protect him from disease and discomfort. He then contracted a disease called Guillain-Barre (gee-yan-buh-rey) Syndrome.  Loss of muscle strength, loss of or altered sensation, and sometimes paralysis are manifestations of the disease. Our friend had all of those manifestations. He had previously been a hiker, and he enjoyed trekking for up to 100 miles carrying a pack. Guillain-Barre reduced him to a bedridden invalid, and ultimately killed him. Few people succumb to Guillain-Barre, but it seems like a mistake to take the chance. However, I am not telling you not to get a flu shot. That decision is between the patient and doctor.

Stop the the disease by using the most natural method available: regular, non-burning sun exposure.

Personally, the influence of seasons on my tendency to contract colds and flu had a highly significant influence on my interest in sunlight. Until the age of thirty-five, too much of my winter life was spent fighting flu and colds. My first head cold would occur in autumn around mid-November and would keep me in bed two or three days. The illness would then subside over several weeks. Then I would contract whichever flu or cold was in vogue. These ailments took a toll on my life. Most of my friends would suffer one cold per year while nature blessed with up to a half-dozen. Winter was an unhappy time, and I dreamed of leaving the cold weather of the central Nevada-Utah border and moving to warmer climes.

Then came the late spring, summer and early fall. Goodbye flu!

Then came the late spring, summer, anflu: stop it with sunlight.d early fall, when I mostly worked on my father’s ranch. The sun blazed from dawn to dusk and I soaked it up. The work on our ranch was intense. We started those sunny days with morning feeding of animals, followed by irrigating, hauling hay and performing other outdoor tasks. Despite the long hours, I loved the sun, and it made the hard work worthwhile. Whenever possible, my shirt came off, and because of my deep tan, my friends called me “brown man.”

Those were my halcyon days. I was happy and healthy and enjoyed a vigor that was lacking in winter. Later I realized there was never a flu or cold (or any other disease) under the summer sun. Whether this was due to increased vitamin D production of some of the other marvelous additional effects of sun exposure is unknown. Please remember that swallowing a vitamin D capsule can never provide the innumerable benefits of sunlight. BTW, after being a sun-seeker for most of my life, I have never had a skin cancer of any kind. Interesting for an older, blue-eyed, light-skinned Caucasian, who, according to the “experts,” should be a prime prospect for melanoma.

Stop the flu by using the most natural method available: regular, non-burning sun exposure.

The increased incidence of flu and colds during winter associates to sun deprivation. We know that most flu and colds occur in times of low sun exposure.

One of the most recent scientific analyses indicates a profound influence of sun exposure on flu. Researchers tested number of hours of sun exposure per week in Taiwanese children. In addition, they compared that to the incidence of flu among those children. Seven 7 hours of sun per week associated to a 33% reduced risk of influenza hospitalizations. Furthermore, in my opinion, 7 hours is not enough.

Would sunbed use also reduce risk?

Another possibility occurred to me several years ago and influenced my thinking. An elderly friend of mine asked how he could reduce the colds, flu and discomfort he was experiencing each winter. I suggested regular tanning-bed use. He followed the advice and the following winter had no sign of a cold. Either the UV light  protected him against his usual respiratory infections, or it was just luck. The research suggests it was the former, via increased 25(OH)D levels or due to other factors. Vitamin D stimulates the production of anti-microbial peptides that fight infection. For more information on sunbeds, visit this link.

When the sun is available, take advantage of it in a nRead this book and prevent reduce risk of breast cancer.on-burning fashion. If the sun is not available, use a sunbed in non-burning fashion. Stop the flu before it stops us! Happy sunning!

For more information on sunlight, flu and other diseases, visit and read my book, Embrace the Sun.

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Metabolic syndrome, obesity and internal sun.

 By Marc Sorenson, EdD.

Avoid metabolic syndrome with sun exposure

Metabolic syndrome, first of all, is a combination of disorders existing concurrently in a human or other animal. So what are these disorders? One can usually discern them with a glance at the people walking the American streets. They are abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high triglyceride levels and low HDL cholesterol levels. And what are the dangers of metabolic syndrome? Most noteworthy are heart disease, stroke and diabetes, as well as obesity itself. Thus, metabolic syndrome is indicative of deteriorating health.

New, fascinating research has shown a link between metabolic syndrome and Lack of sunlight.

According to Medical News Today, animals can detect light in areas other than the eyes. Especially relevant are proteins called opsins, which detect light in the eye’s retinal cells. However, in addition, it is now known that opsins in the skins of mice can react to sunlight and help to reset circadian rhythms. Nevertheless, until now, it was not suspected that opsins could help to reduce metabolic syndrome.

Also of transcendent importance is the fact that opsins exist below the skin surface. They are also found on fat cells. And when sunlight contacts the skin, the light can penetrate deeply enough to stimulate opsin activities in those cells. Thus, opsins are “turned on” and activate the process of lipolysis, whereby fatty acids are released from the fat cell into the blood.

Another process then occurs: the fatty acids are “burned” by the body to produce heat. And the upshot of this progression?  It reduces obesity. And, metabolic syndrome lessens. Hence, the person achieves better health! I have almost come to believe that there is no aspect of human health that sun exposure cannot help, when used properly. In this study, blue light appeared to be the most important spectrum of sunlight.

Other research indicative of a positive effect on obesity. 

Another scientific paper “sheds more light” on the subject of obesity. This research was conducted on mice with shaved backs that were placed on a high-fat diet and then exposed to non-burning ultraviolet radiation (UVR) during a three-month experiment. The mice, without the benefit of UVR, would have been expected to gain weight rapidly on that diet, but when they were exposed to UVR, the weight gain was impressively reduced.

The UVR treatment achieved a 30-40% reduction in weight gain, compared to the expected weight gain with the high-fat diet. And, none of these benefits could be accomplished by vitamin D supplementation. However, stimulation of nitric oxide increase in the skin was able to produce some of the benefits of UVR. This also indicate that either sun exposure or sunbeds could help the health (we know that both do exactly that). However, it was not determined whether opsins had any part to play.

Finally, morning sunlight reduces obesity. Sunlight is essential for preventing disease.

A recent study demonstrates that timing and intensity of light correlate with body mass index (BMI).  BMI is a numerical computation comparing height and weight, and is a commonly used method to assess obesity or the lack thereof. A high BMI usually means a person is obese or at least approaching obesity.

After adjusting for confounders such as diet, exercise and timing of sleep, it was determined that very early exposure to morning light correlated remarkably to lower BMI. Even when light intensity was equal at different times of the day, those who received the earliest bright light had lower BMI. In fact, for each hour later in the day when light exposure occurred, BMI increased by 1.3 units. This is exceptionally important, since a person who has a BMI of 25 (upper ideal range) could approach 30 (obesity) by rising later.

Remember that regular, non-burning sun exposure is vital for human health. Happy sunning!

For more information on sunlight and health, visit and read the book, Embrace the Sun. The book is available at Amazon.

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Sunlight prevents Sexual dysfunction.

Sunscreen chemicals, breast cancer, diseases. Careful!

Sunscreen chemicals. By Marc Sorenson, EdD.

Soak up the sun and avoid sunscreen chemicals.Sunscreen chemicals are toxic. I have written about them previously and did an analysis of sunscreen chemicals dangers in my book, Embrace the Sun. And now, Science Digest alerts the public of new research.  It indicates that even low concentrations of sunscreen chemicals can stimulate breast tissue growth. Thus, these chemicals could lead to breast cancer. Nevertheless, these chemicals affected only breast cells that had estrogen receptors. The sunscreen chemical tested was oxybenzone, which mimics estrogen in some aspects. Oxybenzone and other similar chemicals are known as xenoestrogens.  They are also suspected of many injurious effects beyond possibly causing breast cancer.

Other deleterious effects of sunscreen chemicals 1

First of all, several years ago, the CDC released a study showing that 96.8% of Americans at age six are contaminated with oxybenzone. The study also showed that women were 3.5 times as likely to have high concentrations as men.[1] The authors suggest that women’s greater use of personal-care products, most of which contain sunscreens, is the reason for their higher degree of contamination. Oxybenzone is used in 588 sunscreens and in 567 other personal-care products.[2] Another investigation showed that up to 8.7% of oxybnezone is absorbed[3] and accumulates in the body.[4] It is still found in the urine 5 days after application.

Other deleterious effects of sunscreen chemicals 2

Other research papers confirm that sunscreen chemicals are highly absorbed and then detected in urine and breast milk, where they may cause systemic effects, including disruption of the endocrine system.[5], [6]

In addition, pregnant mothers exposed to oxybenzone gave birth to babies with low birth weights, [7] whichprograms” the developing child for greater risks of heart disease, hypertension, type-two diabetes and other diseases in adulthood.[8] Furthermore, sun causes the chemical to become a potent allergen[9], [10] and to form free radicals.[11], [12], [13], [14] Free radicals are unstable atoms which lack an electron in their outer shells. One study concluded, “The surprising result is UV filters applied to the skin surface not only lose their screening capability after a period of incubation, but also may lead to enhanced ROS [free radicals] generation in nucleated epidermis through photogeneration.“[15] In fact, after one hour, more free radicals were created by sunlight contacting sunscreen, than sunlight on skin. To me, this is another indication that sunscreens cause more damage than no sunscreens!

Other deleterious effects of sunscreen chemicals 3

In addition to adverse effects on human health, sunscreen chemicals have potential deleterious effects on the environment. A study from the Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, regarding the detrimental effects of Oxybenzone, stated that Oxybenzone is a photo-toxicant, meaning its adverse effects are exacerbated in the light.[16] Does this toxic chemical sound like something you’d like to apply to your skin or your children’s skin while out in the sun?

The researchers also stated: “Oxybenzone is an emerging contaminant of concern in the marine environment.” They found that a small dollop of sunscreen in six Olympic-sized pools caused a disruption of coral growth. Such disruption leads to a whitening and killing of the marine activity of coral reefs. This is accomplished by ossification of a free-swimming larva called a planula, which kills the growth of coral reefs. And this information has proven to be prophetic. Many beach areas have now prohibited the use of sunscreen chemicals due to concerns about coral-reef destruction.

The final nail in the coffin for sunscreen chemicals: they may lead to sunburns.

I have often stated that sunscreens may be worthless at best and dangerous at worst. Another scientific study accidentally corroborated my conclusion.[17] The researchers wanted to discover which sun-protection behavior was most effective in preventing sunburn. Hence, they designed a cross-sectional investigation using a nationally representative sample of about 32,000 US adults. They interviewed each participant in person. This is especially relevant when attempting to achieve the most accurate results possible. We can conclude, therefore, that their findings regarding sunscreen use and other “sun-protective” behaviors probably have validity. Seeking shade, wearing a hat or visor, and wearing long sleeves and or pants were other sun-protective behaviors included.

The results:

Fifty-four percent of the subjects were women, and 15,992 of all individuals were considered sun-sensitive (fair skinned).  Those who used only sunscreen had the highest sunburn likelihood (62.4%). Also, the group with lowest likelihood of sunburn did not use sunscreen, but engaged in the other protective behaviors (24.3% sunburned).  In addition, among 12,566 non–sun-sensitive individuals, those engaged in all 4 protective behaviors had the lowest sunburn (6.6%). The highest likelihood of sunburn was among those who used only sunscreen (26.2%). “The most surprising and counterintuitive finding was that regular sunscreen use, in the absence of other protective behaviors, was associated with the highest likelihood of sunburn.” according to Kasey Morris, who led the study.

Finally, a meta-analysis of the best research, involving 313,000 subjects found that neither melanoma nor non-melanoma skin cancer was associated with sunscreen use. And, another study indicated that in the last three decades, melanoma incidence has increased by 400% and sunscreen use has also increased by 400%. Isn’t it time that we stopped using this toxic, chemical soup?




Sunlight is essential for preventing disease.




Think carefully about this information when you next see a sunscreen ad. Enjoy the sun safely (without burning).

Happy sunning

[1] Calafat, A. Concentrations of the Sunscreen Agent, Benzophenone-3, in Residents of the United States: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003–2004. (Available at

[2] Environmental Working Group: Americans Carry Body Burden of Toxic Sunscreen Chemical.  25, 2008. (Available at

[3] Hayden CG, Roberts MS, Benson HA. Systemic absorption of sunscreen after topical application. Lancet 1997:350:863-64.

[4] Gonzalez H, Farbrot A, Larkö A-M. Wennberg A. Percutaneous absorption of the sunscreen benzophenone-3 after repeated whole-body applications, with and without ultraviolet irradiation. British J Dermatol 2016;154:137-140.

[5] Krause M, Klit A, Blomberg Jensen M, Søeborg T, Frederiksen H, Schlumpf M, Lichtensteiger W, Skakkebaek NE, Drzewiecki KT. Sunscreens: Are they beneficial for health? An overview of endocrine disrupting properties of UV-filters. Int. J. Androl. 35, 424436 (2012).

[6] Yang Deng, Asiri Ediriwickrema, Fan Yang, Julia Lewis, Michael Girardi and W. Mark Saltzman. A sunblock based on bioadhesive nanoparticles. Nature materials: published online: 28 September 2015.

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