Embrace the Sun for health

Childhood diseases prevented by sunlight, part 5.

Childhood diseases prevented by Sunlight. by Marc Sorenson, EdD

Childhood diseases are directly associated with sun deprivation: Therefore, childhood death and disability can be due to lack of sun exposure!

Childhood diseases and disorders that are prevented by sun exposure have been discussed on many of my recent blogs. Our children are becoming ill due to our neglect. We must insist that they (or in some cases their mothers) play outside each day while eschewing their electronic devices. So, let’s now discuss a few more childhood diseases that are associate with sun deprivation. First of all, there is a 61% increase in death risk among children born to women with low 25(OH) D levels. Since sun exposure on skin is the main source of that photoproduct (vitamin D), the mothers lack sufficient sun exposure. Therefore, they do not furnish the necessary vitamin D to deliver a healthy baby. Furthermore, they are unlikely to bring their babies out in the sun after birth.

It is probably important at this point to mention a vital point. In many cases, vitamin D is exceptionally important. And in other cases, vitamin D may have little to do with the childhood diseases being considered. Since sun exposure leads to vitamin D production, vitamin D levels may simply be a surrogate measurement for sun exposure. Therefore, it may be other photoproducts of sun exposure that are creating some of the health benefits. And what are some of those other photoproducts that may reduce childhood diseases?

  1. Serotonin, which is one of the body’s natural “uppers”
  2. Endorphin, another feel-good hormone
  3. Dopamine, which affects learning and behavior and may help schizophrenia, to attention disorders, and cognitive reasoning
  4. Brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), which is essential for nerve growth
  5. Nitric oxide, which reduces blood pressure and may help prevent heart disease.

Whenever vitamin D deficiency is blamed for childhood diseases, sun-exposure deficiency—which causes vitamin D deficiency—is the actual culprit.

Here are three more childhood diseases that are associated with low sunlight exposure:

Eczema: a disease that can be a part of childhood diseases

First of all, a study of children aged 0-17 years showed sun exposure was associated with lessened prevalence of eczema.  Hence, children in the highest fourth of exposure were 20% less likely to experience eczema. This is one of the common childhood diseases.

Lack of bone mineralization and size: another of the childhood diseases.

An English investigation, involving 7,000 children, found bone size was positively related to sun exposure of mothers during pregnancies. Researchers conducted another study on children with on poor bone mineral density that predicted fractures. All of them had a significant increase in bone density because of a sun-exposure program that lasted a year. It is also most noteworthy that none of these children had a fracture after the start of the sun-exposure program.

Food allergy emergency: Another of the childhood diseases

Research from Boston states that children younger than 5 years, who were born in fall or winter (times of low sun exposure) had bad outcomes. They had about 50% increase in the risk of emergency room visits for food allergies. That is, compared with children born in spring or summer. Hence, the authors suggested this finding was related to differences in UVB (sun) exposure during their mother’s pregnancies.

In subsequent blogs we will discuss more childhood diseases that are triggered by sun deprivation. In the meantime find more information at sunlightinstitute.org and read the book, Embrace the Sun.

Happy sunning!

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Children preventing Pediatric multiple sclerosisMS

Sun deprivation and bone health

Sun deprivation and bone health by Marc Sorenson, EdD

Sun deprivation associates very closely to bone health, and that fact has been made abundantly clear by my previous blogs. So now, another small report adds credence to an already overwhelming volume of evidence. This evidence will shortly be discussed. Because bone weakness and fractures are pandemic due to osteoporosis, this blog serves as a reminder. Due to the potential pain, disability and deterioration of life quality caused by this disease, drastic action is needed. So, let me give a stark warning to both women and men! First of all, both should to seek regular, non-burning sun exposure. Furthermore, they should eat plenty of green vegetables, give up smoking and do some impact exercise several times weekly. (Also, check with a doctor before doing impact exercise.)

 A startling, but obviously true statement regarding sun deprivation and bone health

Almost all problems with bone health would disappear if the people regularly utilized the aforementioned advice on reducing osteoporosis. While weak bones are caused by neglecting sunlight, vegetable consumption and exercise, one factor stands above the others. Thus, let’s consider the prophylactic effect achieved by soaking up the sun:

The study from Spain: Sun deprivation is the biggest problem.

Research in Spain showed this astounding result: Women who were sun-seekers had only about one-eleventh the risk of hip fracture as those who were not. Most people would probably say that this was due to vitamin D production by the skin when exposed to sunlight. And many would also say that vitamin D supplements could achieve the same results. However, it is especially relevant that I have not seen any study on supplements that demonstrates that degree of protection. In addition to vitamin D, sun exposure also produces many other vital photoproducts. So, sunlight is “holistic” medicine, whose benefits go far beyond vitamin D production.

Now let’s discuss the latest study on sun deprivation and bone health.

Since we believe sun deprivation leads to weakened bones, let’s look at recent research on a single individual. (See the first link in this article.) The study involved osteomalacia, a soft-bone disease related to osteoporosis.

The researchers described the individual’s problems thusly: “We report a case of 51-years-old woman, with a religious garment, with slowly progressing weakness of the proximal limb muscles, extreme fatigue, chest and lower spine pain, paresthesia [a burning sensation in the extremities}, depression, difficulties in walking and waddling gait.” A rather miserable condition, no? This woman improved due to vitamin D supplementation. And how much more might she have improved if she could have done some full-body sunbathing?

In conclusion: These bone diseases, caused by sun deprivation, could be eradicated almost totally by non-burning sun exposure and the few other lifestyle changes suggested above. Embrace the Sun!

Happy sunning.

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Embrace the Sun for health

Sun deprivation and retarded growth:

Sun deprivation and its deleterious effects on children. By Marc Sorenson, EdD.

Sun deprivation is a tragedy!          

Sun deprivation, first of all, has been discussed in my last four blogs and it has concentrated on children’s health. The last blog discussed sun deprivation and rickets. And I will continue to pursue this subject until people stop abusing their children by denying them natural sunlight. For more on the tragic consequences of sun deprivation, visit http://sunlightinstitute.org/

Was sun deprivation always practiced, or is it a new phenomenon?

It seems like, in the past, both the people and the government understood the vital necessity of sun exposure. Consequently, In the 1930s, the Department of Labor printed a pamphlet called Sun for Babies. So here is a quote from that pamphlet. “Every mother who wishes her baby to have robust health should give him regular sun baths from early infancy until he is old enough to play in the sun himself.” They continued: “If the sun’s rays are to help the baby grow properly and to prevent rickets, they must fall directly on the skin and tan it.” While that may have been popular advice in the 1930s it would not be popular today. Hence, it is likely that any parent practicing “baby tanning” would be arrested for child abuse. Since the 1930’s the dermatological profession has come a long way… in the wrong direction!

Does sun deprivation affect a child’s growth?

So, research related to bone growth in children shows that they grow more rapidly during summer months. And, other researchers have also observed that children seem to grow more rapidly in summer.  Why should this be? Probably because sun exposure is greater in the summer. And, that sun exposure stimulates the vitamin D necessary for robust bone growth. For full documentation, see the book Embrace the Sun.

Because we love them and want them to have good health, we should give them regular non-burning sunlight. We want our children to have reasonable growth rates. The vitamin D produced by sun exposure can produce larger and stronger bones. Sun deprivation may retard growth. And, vitamin D may also be accompanied by factors such as nitric oxide, serotonin, endorphins and other healthful photoproducts. Consequently, these photoproducts may assist vitamin D. Whatever the mechanisms, we now know that the sun has one more critically important effect on human health: accelerated growth among our children.

Protect your children from the Powers of Darkness. Happy sunning.

Embrace the Sun.

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Save a child by preventing rickets.

Save a child with sunlight! A call to action

Save a child, by Marc Sorenson, EdD

Save a child, and save the children, are part of a series of blogs promoting sunlight for our youth. It is astounding how closely childhood diseases and disorders associate to sun deprivation. Let’s get serious! Many of these diseases occur due to indoor lifestyles and sun “protection.”

Save a child with sunlight and prevent a disastrous disease.

Let’s discuss a terrible disease that is totally unnecessary and can scar a child’s life forever. It is the horrible disease of bone deformity and weakness called rickets. And, it is a disease almost wholly due to vitamin D deficiency. It is most noteworthy that rickets was once thought to be eradicated by vitamin D supplementation in the food supply. But due to lack of sunlight (always the best source of vitamin D), the disease is again rearing its ugly head. Addition of vitamin D has not been sufficient to overcome vitamin D deficiency due to sun deprivation.

Save a child in a sunny state.

Furthermore, rickets is occurring in sunny states, where one would think it could not exist. Another fact is that 83% of cases occur in black children. Black children and adults need more time in the sun to produce vitamin D than do Caucasians.  And, 96% of the cases were breast-fed, demonstrating a lack of vitamin D in their mothers’ milk. Yet, the primary cause is living indoors and avoiding sun. Therefore, this alarming comeback by rickets is not a surprise. And it is not confined to the U.S.

Can sunlight save a child in Ethiopia?

Especially relevant to the widespread geography is a study in Ethiopia showing 42% of children are vitamin D deficient. And, the prevalence of deficiency is significantly higher among urban children and in children less exposed to sun. The researchers who produced this data, trying to save a child, made the following observations regarding their findings: “Behavior change communication to enhance exposure to ultraviolet light is critical to prevent vitamin D deficiency in a tropical country like Ethiopia. Further study is required to assess the deleterious effect of its deficiency on bone mineral homeostasis of growing children in Ethiopia during their most critical period of bone development.”

In addition, to save a child from rickets may also save that child from terrible dental health.

Rickets is also associated with destruction of dental health. In the medical journal Pediatrics, an interesting report discussed the plight of two young girls who suffered from severe tooth decay related to rickets. We have already discussed that rickets is characterized by defective bone growth and horribly deformed bodies. And we now see that it may also be characterized by teeth without enamel. Rickets is also associated with autism. Save a child from both physical and mental disability by getting him or her out in the sunlight.

No one ever needs to have rickets. Pregnant mothers, get out in the sun for a few minutes around midday and make certain your children play in the sun regularly. Just take care not to burn. Save a child! If all mothers and children would follow this advice, rickets would cease to exist.

Happy sunning.

For more information, peruse the literature on bone diseases on http://sunlightinstitute.org/, or read the book, Embrace the Sun.

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Sunlight and health for all

Protect our children with sunlight. Part 3

Protect our children with sunlight. By Marc Sorenson, Ed.D

Protect our children and we save the world.

And, we can’t protect our children unless we provide them with sufficient sunlight. This is part three of a series concerned with protecting our children from sun deprivation and the Powers of Darkness. Consequently, we have already covered the dangers of sun deprivation on the childhood diseases of melanoma, myopia, asthma, and AIDS. So, please read the previous two blogs on http://sunlightinstitute.org/ and let’s keep the anti-sun demons at bay!

Protect our children with sunlight and reduce the risk of acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI).

First of all, the definition of ALRI usually includes acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, influenza and pneumonia. ALRI is a leading cause of sickness and mortality both in children and adults worldwide.[1] According to the World Health Organization, 20% of all deaths in children 5 years old or younger are due to ALRI,[2] and several studies indicate that sun exposure has a protective effect against the disease.

How well does sunlight protect our children from ALRI?

So, in one piece of research, children who were placed outside in the sun, uncovered, were less than half as likely to suffer ALRI. Also, those who had the lowest levels of vitamin D were ten times more likely to contract this infection than those with the highest levels. Therefore, we can obviously protect our children from ALRI with the sun. So there is no sane reason to deprive our children of sunlight. Also, an investigation compared the vitamin D levels and sun exposure habits in children with and without ALRI.  In conclusion, there was virtually no difference in vitamin D levels between the sick and healthy groups. Yet, those children who had a higher percentage of the body exposed to sunlight were less likely to have ALRI. This reinforces the fact that sun exposure has many healing effects beyond its ability to stimulate the production of vitamin D.

Can sunlight help protect our children from dental cavities?

It seems like the answer is yes. One finding showed a direct correlation between hours of available sun per year and the number of dental caries (cavities) in Caucasian boys 12 to 14 years of age: And in geographic areas with less than 2,200 hours of available sunlight, there were, on average, 486 cavities per-year in each group of 100 boys.

In areas where there were 3,000 hours of sunlight, there were only 290 cavities per year per hundred boys. The frequency of cavities was also higher in winter than in summer months.[3] This indicates that sunlight played a big part in reducing cavities.

As a result of this information, we build on the truth that children’s optimal health suffers when they have insufficient sunlight. For more information, read the new book, Embrace the Sun.

Happy sunning!

[1] http://www.erswhitebook.org/chapters/acute-lower-respiratory-infections.

[2] WHO statistics. Accessed 8, 2010. http://www.who.int/fch/depts/cah/resp_infections/en/

[3] McBeath, E. The role of vitamin D in control of dental caries in children. J Nutr 1938;15:547.

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Saving the children with sunlight! Part 2.

Saving the children by Marc Sorenson, EdD.

Saving the children is a multi-part discussion that emphasizes the critical need for sun exposure in children because of sun deprivation. In the last blog on the subject, we first of all talked about saving the children from myopia (nearsightedness). And this blog will discuss several additional aspects of childhood health that are positively related to sunlight.

Why are we depriving our children of sunlight? Because $ are involved. So, we must not fail to be about the business of saving the children from the Powers of Darkness.

Saving the children from melanoma. With sunlight!

saving the children from melanoma

First of all, much noise is made about removing children from sun exposure to protect them from future melanoma. Consequently, we “protect” them from sunlight by keeping them indoors and dutifully slathering them with sunscreen. Furthermore, our children are taught to fear the sun. That is strange, since research shows that children who engage in outdoor activities are less likely to develop melanoma. In that research, outdoor exercise such as soccer and gardening were mentioned as the most noteworthy activities to protect against melanoma.

Saving the children from asthma. With sunlight!

Asthma, an inflammation of the air passages, has become a scourge of both children and adults. And according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, each day 40,000 people miss school or work due to asthma. In addition, 30,000 people have an attack daily, and 5,000 people visit the emergency room.[1] Especially relevant is the fact that the disease is increasing most rapidly among black children. Dark skins need more sunshine to produce vitamin D, which may make these children more susceptible. So what does the research say about sunshine and asthma in children? The most important study was probably one from Spain. It showed that children exposed to the most sunlight had much lower risks of asthma than those who were least-exposed. Thus, each with each hour of added sun exposure per day predicted a decreased risk of the disease.[2]

Saving the children from HIV infection (AIDS)

AIDS is a fearful disease, and it is most noteworthy that the children, the most vulnerable among us are victims. Saving the children from AIDS should be a priority, no?

Sunlight exposure leads to the production of vitamin D, and vitamin D may have a profound influence on the development of AIDS. Thus, HIV-positive pregnant women with lowest vitamin D levels had 50% greater risk of transmission of HIV to their children. Also, there was a two-fold increase of HIV transmission by breast feeding. In addition, there was also a 61% increased death risk among children born to women with low Vitamin D levels.[3] Therefore, sunlight is key to saving the children from this horrible disease.

In conclusion, melanoma, asthma and AIDS are diseases our children should never need to suffer. Furthermore, regular, non-burning sun exposure should be a part of the daily lives of children whenever possible. Learn more my visiting http://sunlightinstitute.org/ And read the new book, Embrace the Sun.

[1] Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: Asthma Facts and Figures. http://www.aafa.org/display.cfm?id=8&sub=42

[2] Arnedo-Pena A, et al. Sunny hours and variations in the prevalence of asthma in schoolchildren according to the International Study of Asthma and Allergies (ISAAC) Phase III in Spain. Int J Biometeorol 2011;55:423-434.

[3] Mehta S, Hunter DJ, Mugusi FM, Spiegelman D, Manji KP, Giovannucci EL, Hertzmark E, Msamanga GI, Fawzi WW: Perinatal Outcomes, Including Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV, and Child Mortality and Their Association with Maternal Vitamin D Status in Tanzania. J Infect Dis 2009;200:1022-30.

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Embrace the Sun for health

New Melanoma Incidence. Surprising U.S. statistics!

New Melanoma Incidence, by Marc Sorenson, EdD

New melanoma incidence, first of all, should be highest in states with the highest sun exposure. That is, of course, if we listen to the dermatological organizations and sunscreen manufacturers.  Those organizations state ad nauseam that new melanoma is caused by sun exposure, and the facts be damned. Because both of these sunscreen pushers are financially involved in the anti-sun message, they seem little interested in the truth. Why? Because the truth sells few sunscreens.

Insurance companies should be a good source for information on new melanoma rates and risks.

However, new information, which refutes the anti-sun message, continues to emerge and throw a wrench into the works. Insurance companies, who must pay a fortune in insurance costs for new melanoma, probably know the truth about the disease. So, let’s look at one of those latest assessments. Quote wizard Insurance news released a study on new melanoma rates by state, and it probably stunned the anti-sun lobby. Furthermore, they stunned themselves with what they discovered. So, here are their major findings as listed in their report:

  • Opposite of what was expected, cooler, northern states have the highest rate of new melanoma cases.
  • In addition, warmer, southern states actually have lower rates.
  • Furthermore, behaviors in sun protection are likely the biggest factor inmelanoma cases (I vehemently disagree!).
  • Finally, males are disproportionately affected compared to women.

Don’t mess with Texas when it comes to new melanoma cases.

Another stunner was that the fewest cases were in Texas. The highest number of cases were in Utah, followed closely by Vermont, Minnesota and New Hampshire.

It is rather interesting that the authors tied themselves in knots trying to explain away their findings. Hence, they tried to make the case that people residing in warmer areas had learned to avoid the sun. And, they had also learned to use protective measures to a greater extent than those who dwelt in cooler areas. That is rather silly. Why? Because we know that sunscreen use increased 400% in the past four decades, while melanoma also increased by 400%. And even more impressive, go back a few more years to 1935. We find that since 1935, sun exposure decreased by 90%, while melanoma increased by 3,000%!

The bottom line regarding new melanoma:

So let’s face the facts: regular, non-burning sun exposure protects against melanoma, new or otherwise. Only occasional blasts of sun to an unprepared body (a practice that is rather mindless), can lead to the disease. Consequently, be sure to gradually work into regular, safe, non-burning sun exposure to protect against becoming a melanoma case.

Finally, to get the entire story about the health benefits of sunlight, visit http://sunlightinstitute.org/. Also read my new book, Embrace the Sun, coauthored by Dr. William Grant. Happy sunning!

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sun deprivation may retard growth.

Save the children. With sunlight!

Save the children with sunlight. by Marc Sorenson, EdD

Save the children is a refrain heard throughout the world, and a great refrain it is. It truly is time to save the children. There is so much child abuse and so many childhood health disasters that it is a burden we cannot ignore.  It is especially relevant that our children are addicted to noxious foods and sedentary lives. And, the sun robbery they experience is equally harmful. This article is the first of several discussing the necessity for sun exposure if we are to save the children.

Save the children from myopia.

First of all, myopia (nearsightedness) among children is pandemic and increasing at an alarming rate. And, researchers demonstrated as early as 2008 that the lowest myopia risk was among those with highest outdoor activity. Some have surmised that the key ingredient that could save the children from myopia was exercise. But, the researchers refuted that idea because they also demonstrated that indoor exercise did not reduce myopia risk.

Most noteworthy, the same research showed the prevalence of myopia among Chinese children living in Singapore was 29.1%. Furthermore, the prevalence among Chinese children living in Sydney, Australia was only 3.3%. Is this because the Sydney children spent about 13.8 hours per week outdoors compared to 3.1 hours in Singapore? Hence, the children who spent most of their lives indoors had 9.5 times the risk of developing myopia! So adults in Sidney who let their kids play in the sun, certainly knew how to save them from myopia.

How much sunshine does it take?

Children under six should spend three hours daily in sunshine, according to other researchers who want to save them. So what could be a more natural? Just be sure the children do not burn.

Consequently, the next time someone tells you that it is not good for children to play outside, tell them the facts. Outdoor activity in the sunlight is absolutely necessary to save them from myopia. For more information: sunlightinstitute.org, and read my book, Embrace the Sun.

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Sunlight outside stops Covid-19.

Sunlight and obesity: An inverse relationship?

Sunlight and obesity, by Marc Sorenson, EdD

Sunlight and obesity have a very interesting association, according to recent research. Hence, if the relationship is inverse (more sunlight=less obesity), it is time to add sun exposure to weight control programs. And, sunlight deprivation is also associated with other problems such as cardiovascular disease, according to the study’s authors.

The authors’ important statement regarding sunlight and obesity.

“Animal studies have confirmed that ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation, independently of vitamin D, can limit diet-induced obesity, metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis.”

Furthermore, all of those conditions can lead to severe disability and death. So, the relationship between sunlight and disease is transcendentally important.

In this study, mice were the subjects, because, I suppose, most humans do not have time to spend being researched.

The important takeaway regarding sunlight and obesity

First of all, the mice were subjected to a diet high in fat and sugar. Then, the effect of sunlight was determined by irradiating one group of mice with UV light. UV light, of course, is also found in sunlight. As a result, the researchers determined that “solar-simulated UV can significantly limit diet-induced obesity.” This is most noteworthy. There is probably no bariatric physician who knows about the inverse relationship between sunlight and obesity.

In addition, another important finding coupling sunlight and obesity to vascular diseases.

It is especially relevant that another exceptionally important finding emerged in the irradiated mice. The development of atheromas, plaques that indicate cardiovascular disease, was remarkably reduced due to the “sunlight.” Rather important, don’t you think?

When we study sunlight and obesity (or another topic), remember it is not always possible to extrapolate from mice. Usually, however, the research is sound and can be used to simulate outcomes among humans. That is particularly true for humans who eat the same diet that the mice ate: filled with fat and sugar. But in conclusion, humans who believe that sunning will overcome or prevent all maladies of junk nutrition are sadly mistaken. So, sun exposure is a marvelous help, but in this case serves as an antidote to the nutritional poison. Lack of sunlight itself is not the cause of obesity, even though sunlight and obesity have a strong inverse relationship. It almost makes one want to sunbathe, does it not?

To read much more on the relationship of sunlight and obesity, use the following links:


Also, read the new book, Embrace the Sun. https://www.amazon.com/Embrace-Sun-Marc-B-Sorenson/dp/069207600X

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Sunshine and Gut Inflammation: Stop the pain!

Sunshine and gut inflammation by Marc Sorenson, EdD

Sunshine dampens chronic gut inflammation: Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.

Different bowel cross sections, showing a healthy bowel, as well as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.

Sunshine helps to reduce chronic gut inflammation, which is usually due to two diseases: Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis. These two diseases are known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), and worldwide, there are 800,000 people who live with those two life-long disorders. And, these diseases are autoimmune diseases, where the body attacks itself.

In addition, these diseases are hard to live with because they cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, inflammation and general misery. Each year more children contract IBD and each year, they contract it at younger ages. Most noteworthy, in my opinion, is the fact that IBD is, to a great extent, a sunshine deprivation disease. Children’s sunshine deprivation is horrific because it is child abuse, due to erroneous messages of dermatologists, AKA the Powers of Darkness.

Especially relevant is the fact that sunshine may profoundly decrease IBD. And, new research shows that the anti-inflammatory effects of sunshine are remarkably helpful.[1]

And here are the salient messages of this new sunshine research:

  • First of all, children who were outside and exposed to sunshine for an extra half hour a day were protected. Thus, they had a 20% lower risk of developing IBD.
  • Another finding was reported by Dr. Robyn Lucas, the lead researcher. Each 10 minutes of sun exposure was associated with a six% lower risk of developing IBD, [so do you want to deprive your children of sun exposure?]
  • She also stated: “At this stage what we have shown is there is a link between lack of sun exposure and increased risk of IBD…”
  • Furthermore, Dr. Lucas made this observation: “Taking children to play outside in the sun could be life-changing.”

Also, I should add that what is true for these children is also true for adults. Read more in the new book, Embrace the Sun, by Marc Sorenson and William Grant. https://www.amazon.com/Embrace-Sun-Marc-B-Sorenson/dp/069207600X

Sunshine may prevent inflammatory bowel disease.
Read it and learn!

Find more information on http://sunlightinstitute.org/,  particularly at this link: http://sunlightinstitute.org/low-levels-of-sunlight-exposure-predispose-to-inflammatory-bowel-disease-and-fractures/

So be sure to obtain regular, non-burning sunshine, whether for yourselves or your children. Happy sunning!

[1] Holmes EA, Ponsonby AL, Pezic A, Ellis JA, Kirkwood CD, Lucas RM. Higher Sun Exposure is Associated with Lower Risk of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Matched Case-Control Study. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 2019; May 15 (Epub ahead of print).

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Alzheimer’sBDNFblood pressurebonebreast cancercancercircadian rhythmCovid-19deathdepressiondiabetesendorphinhealthheart diseaseHypertensioninflammationkidsmelanomametabolic syndromeMSmultiple sclerosismyopianitric oxidenutritionobesityosteoporosispregnancypsoriasisserotoninskin cancerSleepStrokesunsunburnsun exposuresunlightSunlight exposuresunscreensunshinetanning bedsUVUVAUVBvitamin dvitamin D deficiency